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Add this module to your Puppetfile:
mod 'urgi-galaxy_roles_profiles', '1.1.1'
Learn more about managing modules with a PuppetfileDocumentation
#Galaxy roles profiles ####Tables of Contents
- Overview
- Module Description
- Setup
- Usage - The classes,roles and profiles available for configuration
- Deal with Hiera configuration files
- Github Projects
- Contacts
- Galaxy Project
##Overview This module install and configure a new instance of Galaxy. Today, there are three roles (three configuration) you can choose.
##Module Description This is the galaxy-roles-profiles module. Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational biomedical research. This module contains roles and profiles for a Galaxy server configuration management. It uses base blocks hosted in the Galaxy module:
##Setup what this module affect:
- Create a new user, galaxy
- Create directories
- Manage configurations files
- Enable apache
- see for further information
###First step Download from the Puppet Forge :
Configure Hiera. (See 6.Deal with Hiera).
How to install existing role: -In a file.pp
include galaxy-roles-profiles::role::<the role wich you want>
-In the terminal
puppet apply -e "include galaxy-roles-profiles::role::<the role wich you want>"
##Usage ###Classes ###Roles Roles contains only one or many profiles.
####Role: galaxy_roles_profiles::role::galaxy-sqlite
Galaxy with SQLite.
puppet apply -e "include galaxy_roles_profiles::role::galaxy-sqlite"
####Role galaxy_roles_profiles::role::galaxy-postgresql
Galaxy with PostgreSQL
puppet apply -e "include galaxy_roles_profiles::role::galaxy-postgresql"
####Role: galaxy_roles_profiles::role::galaxy-apache-sqlite
Galaxy with SQLite and Apache.
puppet apply -e "include galaxy-roles-profiles::role::galaxy-apache-sqlite"
####Role: galaxy_roles_profiles::role::galaxy-apache-postgresql
Galaxy with PostgreSQL and Apache.
puppet apply -e "include galaxy_roles_profiles::role::galaxy-apache-sqlite-postgresql"
###Profiles Profiles contains one or many building-block (for example galaxy::galaxy_ini). One profile is one technology layer.
####Profile: galaxy_roles_profiles::profile::sqlite
This profile call galaxy::create_db.
####Profile: galaxy_roles_profiles::profile::common
This profile install Galaxy using base blocks from urgi/galaxy module.
This profile manage toolshed_conf, job_conf and galaxy.ini.
You can change your config using Hiera and write in .yaml what you want.
####Profile: galaxy_roles_profiles::profile::postgresql
This profile install packages for postgresql, and configure it for add a new database for galaxy.
This uses the puppetlabs/postgresql module.
These are set in a Hiera file. ( see 6.Hiera ).
Further information available at : .
####Profile: galaxy_roles_profiles::profile::apache
This profile install and configure apache to deal with Galaxy.
This uses puppetlabs/apache module to install apache, create a Virtual Host and load the needed mods
To deal with balancer configuration file, we write a template ( balancer_galaxy.conf.erb ) and a class galaxy-roles-profiles::balancer-config
Further information available at : .
####Profile: galaxy_roles_profiles::profile::galaxy
This profile call galaxy::service to start galaxy as service.
##Hiera First you have to edit the hiera.yaml in /etc/hiera.yaml and in /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml (for example delete each lines in hierarchy and add "common" ).
Next you have to have one hiera file in /var/lib/hiera/ ( for example common.yaml)
You can use a sample of common.yaml and modify it as you want :
$ cp /etc/puppet/modules/galaxy_roles_profiles/examples/common.yaml /var/lib/hiera -> if you have install the module.
$ cp ../galaxy_roles_profiles/examples/common.yaml /var/lib/hiera -> if you use the repo from GitHub directly.
More details on Hiera at :
More details on automatic parameter lookup :
##Github projects Projects for base blocks and roles+profiles are hosted on github:
Mikael Loaec
Olivier Inizan
Eric Rasche
##Galaxy Project
#2014-11-25 Release 1.1.1
=> Update dependency to puppet-galaxy project version 0.9
#2014-11-25 Release 1.1.0
=> Update dependency to puppet-galaxy project version 0.9
#2014-07-0.8 Release 1.0.0
=> Include galaxy::directories in common.pp to fixes somes bug at the initial run.
#2014-31-07 Release 0.0.9 => Common returns. It downloads galaxy and create an user, a directory and manages config files.
=>Roles : galaxy-sqlite, galaxy-postgresql , galaxy-apache-sqlite, galaxy-apache-postgresql And the configuration of onecore or multicore is now done by Hiera
=>Profiles : each profiles are one service except profile ::common.
=>All configuration can be done through Hiera and a file.yaml
=> Removed profile ::base
#2014-08-07 Release 0.0.8
=> Common does not exist anymore
=> Add role onecore database
=> Add profile onecore-database, multicore-database , multicore , onecore : These manage universe.ini and other config files. Onecore launch galaxy as a service.
=> Resolve minor bug when we add one database like postgresql.
#2014-26-06 Release 0.0.7
=> Multicore OK.
Known issue:
With VM wich does not have enough resources, if you want to use multicore,
the first time you run GALAXY_RUN_ALL=1 ./ --daemon, one web could not run correctly.
In that case, simply re-run the command GALAXY_RUN_ALL=1 ./ --daemon.
Or GALAXY_RUN_ALL=1 ./ --stop-daemon and then GALAXY_RUN_ALL=1 ./ --daemon.
=> When Galaxy is running , there is not login required anymore.
#2014-26-06 Release 0.0.6
=> Corrections for webapp. rewrite_rule is now set correctly with an array of arguments.
- urgi/galaxy (>=0.0.9)
- puppetlabs/apache (>=1.0.1)
- puppetlabs/postgresql (>=3.3.3)