Version information
This version is compatible with:
- Puppet Enterprise 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
- Puppet >=3.0.0 < 5.0.0
- , , ,
Start using this module
Add this module to your Puppetfile:
mod 'ontotext-graphdb', '0.5.2'
Learn more about managing modules with a PuppetfileDocumentation
GraphDB Puppet module
Table of Contents
- Module description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with GraphDB
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Advanced features - Extra information on advanced usage
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
- Support - When you need help with this module
- License
Module description
This module sets up GraphDB instances with additional resource for repository creation, data loading, updates, backups, and more.
This module has been tested against all major versions of GraphDB 7. and 8.
The module manages the following
- GraphDB repository files.
- GraphDB distribution.
- GraphDB configuration file.
- GraphDB service.
- GraphDB plugins.
- The stdlib Puppet library.
Beginning with GraphDB
Declare the top-level graphdb
class and set up an instance:
class{ 'graphdb':
version => '7.1.0',
edition => 'SE',
graphdb::instance { 'graphdb-instance':
license => '/home/graphdb/graphdb.license',
Most top-level parameters in the graphdb
class are set to reasonable defaults.
The following are some parameters that may be useful to override:
class { 'graphdb':
ensure => 'absent'
Install everything but disable service(s) afterwards
class { 'graphdb':
version => '7.1.0',
edition => 'SE',
status => 'disabled'
Automatically restarting the service (default set to true)
By default, the module will restart GraphDB when the configuration file changed. This can be overridden globally with the following option:
class { 'graphdb':
version => '7.1.0',
edition => 'SE',
restart_on_change => false,
This module works with the concept of instances. For service to start you need to specify at least one instance.
Quick setup
graphdb::instance { 'graphdb-instance': license => '/home/graphdb/graphdb.license' }
This will set up its own data directory and set the service name to: graphdb-instance
Advanced options
Instance specific options can be given:
graphdb::instance { 'graphdb-instance':
http_port => 8080, # http port that GraphDB will use
kill_timeout => 180, # time before force kill of GraphDB process
validator_timeout => 60, # GraphDB repository validator timeout
logback_config => undef, # custom GraphDB logback log configuration
extra_properties => { }, # extra properties for file
external_url => undef, # graphDB external URL if GraphDB instance is accessed via proxy, e.g.
heap_size => '2g', # GraphDB java heap size given by -Xmx parameter. Note heap_size parameter will also set xms=xmx
java_opts => [], # extra java opts for java process
protocol => 'http', # https or http protocol, defaults to http
Optimum GraphDB EE cluster configuration
- Master worker linking parameters:
- master_repository_id (required)
- master_endpoint (required)
- worker_repository_id (required)
- worker_endpoint (required)
- replication_port (optional; default to 0)
- Master master linking parameters:
- master_repository_id (required)
- master_endpoint (required)
- peer_master_endpoint (required)
- peer_master_repository_id (required)
- peer_master_node_id (optional if you define graphdb_link on the same node as registered GraphDB master instance)
Quick setup
A master with one worker
class { 'graphdb':
version => '7.1.0',
edition => 'ee',
graphdb::instance { 'master':
license => '/tmp/ee.license',
http_port => 8080,
graphdb::ee::master::repository { 'master':
endpoint => "http://${::ipaddress}:8080",
repository_context => '',
graphdb::instance { 'worker':
license => '/tmp/ee.license',
http_port => 8082,
graphdb::ee::worker::repository { 'worker':
endpoint => "http://${::ipaddress}:8082",
repository_context => '',
graphdb_link { 'master-worker':
master_repository_id => 'master',
master_endpoint => "http://${::ipaddress}:8080",
worker_repository_id => 'worker',
worker_endpoint => "http://${::ipaddress}:8082",
A master with one worker (on the same machine), security turned on and https:
class{ 'graphdb':
version => '8.6.0-RC9',
edition => 'ee',
graphdb::instance { 'master': #Brings up the master
license => '/tmp/ee.license',
extra_properties => { 'graphdb.connector.SSLEnabled' => 'true', 'graphdb.connector.scheme' => 'https', '' => 'true', 'graphdb.connector.keyFile' => '/home/graphdb/.keystore', 'graphdb.connector.keystorePass' => 'password', 'graphdb.connector.keyAlias' => 'graphdb', 'graphdb.connector.keyPass' => 'password', 'graphdb.auth.token.secret' => 'secret' },
http_port => 8080,
protocol => 'https',
graphdb::ee::master::repository { 'master': #Creating master repo with name “master” , of course you can choose different name
endpoint => "https://localhost:8080",
repository_context => '',
timeout => 60,
graphdb::instance { 'worker': #Brings up the worker
license => '/tmp/ee.license',
extra_properties => { 'graphdb.connector.SSLEnabled' => 'true', 'graphdb.connector.scheme' => 'https', '' => 'true', 'graphdb.connector.keyFile' => '/home/graphdb/.keystore', 'graphdb.connector.keystorePass' => 'password', 'graphdb.connector.keyAlias' => 'graphdb', 'graphdb.connector.keyPass' => 'password', 'graphdb.auth.token.secret' => 'secret' },
http_port => 8082,
protocol => 'https',
graphdb::ee::worker::repository { 'worker':
endpoint => "https://localhost:8082",
repository_context => '',
timeout => 60,
graphdb_link { 'master-worker':
master_repository_id => 'master',
master_endpoint => "https://localhost:8080",
worker_repository_id => 'worker',
worker_endpoint => "https://localhost:8082",
exec { 'enable-security':
require => graphdb::ee::worker::repository['worker'],
path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/local/bin' ],
command => "curl -k -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: */*' -d 'true' 'https://localhost:8080/rest/security'",
cwd => '/',
user => $graphdb::graphdb_user,
A two peered masters(split brain)
node 'master1' {
class { 'graphdb':
version => '#{graphdb_version}',
edition => 'ee',
graphdb::instance { 'master1':
license => '/tmp/ee.license',
http_port => 8080,
graphdb::ee::master::repository { 'master1':
repository_id => 'master1',
endpoint => "http://${::ipaddress}:8080",
repository_context => '',
graphdb_link { 'master1-to-master2':
master_repository_id => 'master2',
master_endpoint => "http://${::ipaddress}:9090",
peer_master_repository_id => 'master1',
peer_master_endpoint => "http://${::ipaddress}:8080",
node 'master2' {
graphdb::instance { 'master2':
license => '/tmp/ee.license',
http_port => 9090,
graphdb::ee::master::repository { 'master2':
repository_id => 'master2',
endpoint => "http://${::ipaddress}:9090",
repository_context => '',
graphdb_link { 'master2-to-master1':
master_repository_id => 'master1',
master_endpoint => "http://${::ipaddress}:8080",
peer_master_repository_id => 'master2',
peer_master_endpoint => "http://${::ipaddress}:9090",
Link Advanced options
GraphDB Master repository options can be given
graphdb::ee::master::repository { 'master':
$repository_template = "${module_name}/repository/master.ttl.erb", # ttl template to use as source for repository creation template
$repository_label = 'GraphDB EE master repository', # repository label
$node_id = $title, # node id of master instance
$timeout = 60, # timeout for repository creation operations
GraphDB Worker repository options can be given
- For
, please, check here. Also, please, check GraphDB EE documentation. - For
, please, check here. Also, please, check GraphDB SE documentation.
Link specific options can be given
graphdb_link { 'master-worker':
replication_port => 0 # The port for replications that master and worker will use; default: 0
Setup backup cron job
graphdb::ee::backup_cron { 'backup-cronjob':
master_endpoint => "http://${::ipaddress}:8080",
master_repository => 'master',
hour => '4',
minute => '20',
Advanced features
Perform SPARQL update
Example performs update(update_query
) on the give repository(repository_id
), but only if the ask query(exists_query
) doesn't return true(exists_expected_response
graphdb_update { 'update':
repository_id => 'repository',
endpoint => "http://${::ipaddress}:8080",
update_query => 'PREFIX geo-ont: <>
INSERT DATA { <http://test> geo-ont:test "This is a test title" }',
exists_query => 'ask { <http://test> ?p ?o . }',
exists_expected_response => true,
Data import
GraphDB data define
Example triggers import of archive with data(archive
), but only if ask query(exists_query
) doesn't return true.
You can include multiple files into archive in various formats, but keep file extension relative to data format.
Also keep in mind that data import operation takes time, adjust timeout according to data size.
graphdb::data{ 'data-zip':
repository => 'test-repo',
endpoint => "http://${::ipaddress}:8080",
archive => 'puppet:///modules/test/',
exists_query => 'ask { <http://test> ?p ?o . } ',
GraphDB data custom type
Example import data(data
) with format(data_format
) into repository(repository_id
), but only if ask query(exists_query
) doesn't return false.
You can also provide data source(data_source
) which can be a file or directory.
If you keep the file extension relative to data format you data providing data format(data_format
) is not required.
Also keep in mind that data import operation takes time, adjust timeout according to data size.
graphdb_data { 'test-data':
repository_id => 'test-repo',
endpoint => "http://${::ipaddress}:8080",
data => '
@base <>.
@prefix test: <> .
a test:good ;
test:price "5" .
exists_query => 'ask { <http://test> ?p ?o . } ',
data_format => 'turtle',
For more information about syntax, please, check here.
This module has been built on and tested against Puppet 3.2 and higher.
The module has been tested on:
- Debian 7/8
- CentOS 6/7
- Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04
Because of init.d/systemd/upstart support the module may run on other platforms, but it's not guaranteed.
Please see the file for instructions regarding development environments and testing.
Please, use email or open an issue.
Please see the LICENSE
- puppetlabs/stdlib (>= 3.2.0 < 5.0.0)
Copyright 2016 Ontotext AD Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.