Version information
This version is compatible with:
- Puppet Enterprise 2025.1.x, 2023.8.x, 2023.7.x, 2023.6.x, 2023.5.x, 2023.4.x, 2023.3.x, 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x
- Puppet >= 7.8.0 < 9.0.0
- , , , , , ,
- activities
- orchestrator
- pe_server
- provision_machines
Start using this module
Add this module to your Puppetfile:
mod 'puppetlabs-pe_event_forwarding', '2.1.0'
Learn more about managing modules with a PuppetfileDocumentation
Table of Contents
- Intro
- Usage
- How it works
- Writing an Event Forwarding Processor
- Installing A Processor
- Logging
- Token vs Username Password Authentication
- Resources Placed On The Machine
- Advanced Configuration Options
This module gathers events from the Puppet Jobs API and the Activities API using a script executed by a cron job. This data is provided to any available processor scripts during each run. The scripts are provided by any modules that want to make use of this data such as the puppetlabs-splunk_hec module. These processor scripts then handle the data they are given and forward it on to their respective platforms.
Compatible PE Versions
This module is compatible with PE versions >= 2021.2
Starting with
, this module no longer supports PE 2019.8.12.
Install the module in your environment
Classify a node with the
class and provide a value for thepe_token
parameter. We recommend providing an API token generated for a PE Console user created specifically for this module. The user minimially requires the Job orchestrator permission. See rbac token vs username/password below for details. Also see Advanced Configuration Options below for details on other configuration options. -
Install a module that implements a PE Event Forwarding processor such as the
module, and enable its Event Forwarding feature as detailed in that module's documentation.
How it works
The cron job executes the collection script at the configured interval.
The script determines if this is the first time it is running on the system by looking for a file written by the script to track which events have already been sent (
). -
If this is the first time the script is executed it will write the number of events avaialable in the APIs to the indexes file and then shut down. This is to prevent the first execution of this script from attempting to send every event in the system on the first run, all at the same time. Doing so could cause performance issues for the Puppet Server.
If this is not the first time running, it will gather all events that have occurred since the last time the script was run.
When the events data is collected it will search for any available processors in the
directory. -
Each processor that is found will be invoked by executing the script or executable and passing the path on disk to a temporary file that contains the events to be processed.
When the processor exits execution, any strings that it has passed back to the collection script on
will be logged to the collection script's log file, along with the exit code. -
The collection script will write to the indexes tracking file the new index numbers for each API to ensure that on the next execution it knows how many events are new and need to be processed.
The script exits.
Writing an Event Forwarding Processor
An event forwarding processor is any script or executable binary that:
- Is placed in the
directory. See Resources Placed On The Machine for details. - Has execute permissions.
- Can be executed by calling the name of the file without the need to pass the filename to another executable.
- This means that script file processors should have a shebang (
) at the top giving the path to the correct interpreter.
- This means that script file processors should have a shebang (
- Accepts a commandline parameter giving the path to a temporary file containing the data to process
A processor should implement the following workflow when invoked:
Accept the commandline path to a temporary data file.
Read the data file and parse into a format most appropriate for the processor's purposes. The file itself will be in JSON format with the following basic structure:
"orchestrator": {
"api_total_count": 50,
"events": [
"classifier": {
"api_total_count": 50,
"events": [
"rbac": {
"api_total_count": 50,
"events": [
"pe-console": {
"api_total_count": 50,
"events": [
"code-manager": {
"api_total_count": 50,
"events": [
Processor developers can regard the top level keys as the basic event types to handle:
- For the
type, the key we are callingevents
is calleditems
in the Orchestrator Response Format. - For the remaining types, the key we are calling
is calledcommits
in the Activity API Response Format.
The key names are normalized in this module's output to make it easier for processors developers to iterate over the event types, without having to create separate code paths for handling Orchestrator items vs the other data type's commits.
Below is a code example in Ruby showing a very basic PE Event Forwarding processor:
# Library files with helper functions can be placed in sub directories of processors.d
require_relative './module_name/support_file'
# Receive the path to the temp file on the commandline
data_file_path = ARGV[0]
# Parse the file from JSON into a Ruby Hash object
data = JSON.parse(data_file_path)
# Create an empty array to collect the events
events = []
# Iterate over event types
['orchestrator', 'rbac', 'classifier', 'pe-console', 'code-manager'].each do |index|
# Add each type's events to the array
# A nil value indicates that there were no new events.
# A negative value indicates that the sourcetype has been disabled from the pe_event_forwarding module.
next if data[index].nil? || data[index] == -1
events << data[index]['events']
# The `data` object now contains an array with all of the different API's events collected into a single array.
# In a real scenario, a processor sending data to a platform would probably have to do at least some slight
# formatting of the data before sending to the recieving platform.
NOTE: Currently processor execution is not multi threaded. If your processor hangs in an infinite loop, other processors will not be executed.
A processor can emit messages to STDOUT
. Those messages will be collected and logged to this module's log file at the end of an execution. Messages emitted to STDOUT
are logged at the DEBUG
log level, and messages on STDERR
are written at the WARN
A processor can also exit with custom exit codes. If a processor needs to log its exit code, it will need to emit a message on STDERR
. Processors that exit with no message on STDERR
are considered to have exited normally, and the exit code is not recorded.
Installing A Processor
Any module that implements a PE Event Forwarding processor must ensure its processor is correctly placed in the processors.d
directory, so that it can be found and executed.
Save the processor to either the
sub directory of your module, depending on your module's needs. -
Add a
resource that copies the processor to the correct path and ensures that it has the correct executable permissions.The path to copy into will usually be
. However, this is not guarenteed to be true as the path is based on the$settings::confdir
variable, which can be changed from the default value that starts with/etc/puppetlabs/
. To account for this, a function is provided by this module calledpe_event_forwarding::base_path()
. You can use that function to construct the base path for copying your processor into place as shown below.$confdir_base_path = pe_event_forwarding::base_path($settings::confdir, undef) $processor_path = "${confdir_base_path}/pe_event_forwarding/processors.d/<processor file name>" File { owner => 'pe-puppet' group => 'pe-puppet' } file { $processor_path: ensure => file, mode => '0755', source => 'puppet:///modules/<module name>/<processor file name>' } # If a processor needs library files, copy them into a sub directory of # `processors.d` and the processor can access them by relative path. # Ensure the sub directory is in place. The name of your subdirectory is arbitrary, # it doesn't have to be the module name, but it would help administrators keep track # of which modules are responsible for which files. file { "${confdir_base_path}/pe_event_forwarding/processors.d/<module name>": ensure => directory, } # Copy the library file into place file { "${confdir_base_path}/pe_event_forwarding/processors.d/<module name>/<library file name>": ensure => file, mode => '0755', content => template('<module name>/<library file name>'), require => File["${confdir_base_path}/pe_event_forwarding/processors.d/<module name>"] before => File[$processor_path] }
This module will handle logging it's own messages, as well as the messages emitted by the processors it invokes.
By default the log file will be placed in /var/log/puppetlabs/pe_event_forwarding/pe_event_forwarding.log
. This path is dependant on either the the value of $settings::logdir
, or the logdir
parameter from the pe_event_forwarding
class. See below for details.
The log file is in single line json format, except for the header at the top of the file. This means that the log can be parsed line by line, and each line will be a fully formed JSON object that can be parsed for processing.
The default log level is WARN
Token vs Username Password Authentication
This module will allow administators to use pe_username
and pe_password
parameters for authentication to Puppet Enterprise. However, the APIs the module must access only support token authentication. To support username/password auth, every time events collection is executed, the module will access the rbac APIs and request a session token to complete the required API calls. This will result in at least 4 rbac events being generated for each run in the process of logging into the relevant APIs to gather events. These events can be safely ignored, but will result in meaningless events being generated for processing.
To prevent these unnecessary events, it is recommended that administrators create a dedicated user in the console and generate a long lived token to use with the pe_token
parameter instead. Using a pre-generated token will prevent these unwanted events from being generated.
Resources Placed On The Machine
When this module is classified to a Puppet Server it will create a set of resources on the system:
Configurable cron job to periodically execute the script that gathers data and executes processors. Users can configure the cron schedule to run at the desired cadence, down to minimum one minute intervals.
Log file usually placed at
. The path to this file is based on the$settings::logdir
variable, such that if the value for this variable is changed to move the PE log files, the Event Forwarding log file will move with it. -
Lock file usually placed at
. This setting is based on the$settings::statedir
such that if the value forstatedir
is moved, the lockfile will move with it. -
Directory for resource files based on the
variable. Usually this will be/etc/puppetlabs/pe_event_forwarding
Inside that directory will be:
Events collection script
. -
Configuration settings file
. -
Credential settings file
Index tracking file
. -
Subdirectory for ruby class files
. -
Subdirectory for utilities files consumed by the classes
. -
directory where third party modules will place Event Forwarding processors. Modules are allowed to create subdirectories to store library files to help the processors.
Advanced Configuration Options
Forwarding from non server nodes
This module is capable of gathering events data and invoking processors from non Puppet Server nodes. If you want do to this, ensure that you set the pe_console
parameter to the fully qualified domain name of the Puppet Server running the Orchestrator and Activies APIs. Often using the $settings::server
for this parameter will work.
The PE Event Forwarding module is capable of running on any Linux machine in your estate. However, it assumes by default that it has been classified on the primary Puppet Server, and it will attempt to connect to the Puppet APIs on localhost
. If you want to run event collection from another machine, you will have to set this variable to the host name of the machine running the PE APIs. If your PE instance is behind a load balancer or some other more complex configuration, set this variable to the DNS host name you would use for getting to the console in your browser.
Setting this variable to true will prevent events collection from executing. No further events will gathered or sent by any processor until the parameter is removed or set to true
. It will do this by removing the cron job that executes the events collection script. This is intended for use during maintenance windows of either PE or the recieving platforms, or for any other reason an administrator might want to stop sending events. Simply removing this class from a node configuration would not be enough to stop sending events.
During event collection, this optional array will be considered to determine if any event types should be skipped during collection. This is useful for instances where there is a large enough quantity of data being generated to create a performance issue. When event types are skipped, the index will show as -1
in the pe_event_forwarding_indexes.yaml
file. To re-enable, remove the event type from the array. It will take one run of the cron job (of the collect_api_events.rb
) to resume event processing and recreate the index. Only new events will be processed moving forward.
Setting this variable to true will skip all orchestrator events. This is useful for instances where there is a large enough quantity of orchestrator data to create a performance issue. When disabled, the orchestrator index will show as -1
in the pe_event_forwarding_indexes.yaml
file. When re-enabling the skip_jobs
variable, only new orchestrator events will be processed moving forward. It will take one run of the cron job (of the collect_api_events.rb
) to resume event processing and recreate the orchestrator index. All other event types will be unaffected.
Use these parameters to set a custom schedule for gathering events and executing processors. This schedule is enforced for the overall PE Event Forwarding feature. This means that all processors will be executing on this schedule, and the individual platform processors have no control over how often they are invoked. The default parameter values result in a cron schedule that invokes events collection every two minutes */2 * * * *
. Administators can use this parameter set to reduce the cycle interval to every minute, or to increase the interval to collect less often.
The Events Collection script can detect if a previous collection cycle is not complete. If this happens the script will log a message and exit to let the previous cycle finish. The log file (see below for log file placement) logs the amount of time each collection cycle took, and this duration can be used to adjust the cron interval to an appropriate value.
This optional parameter can be set to change the HTTP timeout used when collection events from the Activity and Orchestrator APIs. By default the timeout is 60
If configured, the timeout should not exceed the collection interval set with the cron_minute
By default the log file will be placed at /var/log/puppetlabs/pe_event_forwarding/pe_event_forwarding.log
. This path is based on the PE $settings::logdir
path, but if a value is given to this parameter then the given value will override the default and the logfile will be placed in the directory "${log_path}/pe_event_forwarding/pe_event_forwarding.log"
. This parameter expects to receive a path to a directory, to which the remainder of the path /pe_event_forwarding/pe_event_forwarding.log
, will be appended and the required sub directories created.
By default this file will be placed at /opt/puppetlabs/pe_event_forwarding/cache/state/events_collection_run.lock
. This path is based on the $settings::statedir
path, but passing a value to this parameter will override that path and place the lockfile in a custom location on the system. This parameter expects to receive a path to a directory, to which the remainder of the path, /pe_event_forwarding/cache/state/events_collection_run.lock
, will be appended and the required sub directories created.
By default this folder will be placed at /etc/puppetlabs/p_event_forwarding
. This setting is based on the $settings::confdir
variable, but passing a value to this parameter will override that value and place this directory in a custom location on the system. This parameter expects a path to a directory, inside of which a sub directory pe_event_forwarding
will be created to hold all of the required files to run events collection. See Resources Placed On The Machine for details on the files placed in this directory.
The size of the pages to fetch from the PE Activity API. All unprocessed events will still be gathered from the API on each collection cycle, but this parameter allows administrators to control the size of the individual requests to the Activity API, to prevent too many events from being returned in a single API call.
Set the verbosity of the logs written by the module. Accepts a single value, one of DEBUG
Set the interval for creating new log files. Administrators are still responsible for setting log retention policies for the system as these log files will be created at the requested interval, but will still accumulate on the drive.
Table of Contents
Public Classes
: Create the required cron job and scripts for sending Puppet Events
Private Classes
: A subclass to remove old settings file.
: This custom function returns the base path of any given string argument. If a desired path is not passed in, it will match the default str arpe_event_forwarding::secure
: Custom function to mark sensitive data utilized by this module as Sensitive types in the Puppet language. Sensitive data is redacted from Pup
: This task scrapes the PE activity API for all events.orchestrator
: This task scrapes the orchestrator for jobs
: Install PE Serverpe_event_forwarding::acceptance::provision_machines
: Provisions machines
This class will create the cron job that executes the event management script. It also creates the event management script in the required directory.
include pe_event_forwarding
The following parameters are available in the pe_event_forwarding
Data type: Optional[String]
PE username
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
PE password
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
PE token
Default value: undef
Data type: String
PE console
Default value: 'localhost'
Data type: Boolean
When true, removes cron job
Default value: false
Data type: String
Sets cron minute (0-59)
Default value: '*/2'
Data type: String
Sets cron hour (0-23)
Default value: '*'
Data type: String
Sets cron day of the week (0-6)
Default value: '*'
Data type: String
Sets cron month (1-12)
Default value: '*'
Data type: String
Sets cron day of the month (1-31)
Default value: '*'
Data type: Enum['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'FATAL']
Determines the severity of logs to be written to log file:
- level debug will only log debug-level log messages
- level info will log info, warn, and fatal-level log messages
- level warn will log warn and fatal-level log messages
- level fatal will only log fatal-level log messages
Default value: 'WARN'
Data type: Enum['NONE', 'DAILY', 'WEEKLY', 'MONTHLY']
Determines rotation time for log files
Default value: 'NONE'
Data type: Optional[String]
Should be a directory; base path to desired location for log files
will be appended to this param
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Should be a directory; base path to desired location for lock file
will be appended to this param
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Path to directory where pe_event_forwarding exists
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Integer]
Sets max number of events retrieved per API call Note: This parameter is only used for event collection from the Activity API.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Integer]
Optional timeout limit in seconds for connect, read, and ssl sessions
When set to undef
the default of 60 seconds will be used
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Boolean]
When true, event collection from the Orchestrator API is disabled.
Default value: undef
Data type:
Array of event types that should be skipped during event collection from the Activity API. Acceptable values are: ['classifier','code-manager','pe-console','rbac']
Default value: undef
Type: Ruby 4.x API
This custom function returns the base path of any given string
argument. If a desired path is not passed in, it will match the
default str argument up to puppetlabs
Calling the function
pe_event_forwarding::base_path(default_path, desired_path)
pe_event_forwarding::base_path(Any $str, Any $path)
This custom function returns the base path of any given string
argument. If a desired path is not passed in, it will match the
default str argument up to puppetlabs
Returns: String
Returns a string
Calling the function
pe_event_forwarding::base_path(default_path, desired_path)
Data type: Any
The backup path to set; default
Data type: Any
The desired path
Type: Ruby 4.x API
Custom function to mark sensitive data utilized by this module as Sensitive types in the Puppet language. Sensitive data is redacted from Puppet logs and reports.
pe_event_forwarding::secure(Hash $secrets)
Custom function to mark sensitive data utilized by this module as Sensitive types in the Puppet language. Sensitive data is redacted from Puppet logs and reports.
Returns: Any
Data type: Hash
This task scrapes the PE activity API for all events.
Supports noop? false
Data type: String[1]
The FQDN of the PE console
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
A PE user name
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
The PE console password
This task scrapes the orchestrator for jobs
Supports noop? false
Data type: String[1]
The FQDN of the PE console
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
A PE user name
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
The PE console password
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
An Auth token for a user
Data type: Enum['run_facts_task', 'run_job', 'get_job', 'current_job_count', 'get_jobs']
The task to perform in the orchestrator.
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
Data to send to the orchestrator for the operation
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
Nodes to run facts on. Different from console host target
Install PE Server
The following parameters are available in the pe_event_forwarding::acceptance::pe_server
Data type: Optional[String]
PE version
Default value: '2021.7.5'
Data type: Optional[Hash]
Hash with key password
and value of PE console password for admin user
Default value: { password => 'puppetlabspie', configure_tuning => false }
Provisions machines
The following parameters are available in the pe_event_forwarding::acceptance::provision_machines
Data type: Optional[String]
provision service
Default value: 'abs'
Data type: Optional[String]
os image
Default value: 'centos-7-x86_64'
What are tasks?
Modules can contain tasks that take action outside of a desired state managed by Puppet. It’s perfect for troubleshooting or deploying one-off changes, distributing scripts to run across your infrastructure, or automating changes that need to happen in a particular order as part of an application deployment.
Tasks in this module release
What are plans?
Modules can contain plans that take action outside of a desired state managed by Puppet. It’s perfect for troubleshooting or deploying one-off changes, distributing scripts to run across your infrastructure, or automating changes that need to happen in a particular order as part of an application deployment.
Change log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
v2.1.0 (2024-11-26)
- The
parameter no longer effects orchestrator events to correct an issue where the index is unable to properly track events once job pruning occurs. #130
v2.0.1 (2024-03-28)
- Markdown format refactoring for
. #128
v2.0.0 (2024-03-27)
Added parameter
to configure optional HTTP timeout. #126 -
Added parameters
to disable collection by service. #124 -
Credential data provided to this module is now written to a separate settings file utilizing the
data type to ensure redaction from Puppet logs and reports. #122
- Removed the
parameter as this is now configured with the::skip_events
parameter. #124
Utilize kwargs over positional args for Ruby 3 compatibility. #119
function now removes any trailing slash (/
) from user provided config directories. #118
v1.1.1 (2023-01-31)
- User for the crontab entry now defaults to internal
variable. #115
v1.1.0 (2022-03-10)
- Added a parameter to disable rbac events for increased performance for users with a large amount of rbac events. #106
Support logfile_basepath and lockdir_bathpath outside of /etc/puppetlabs. #107
Properly support custom confdirs. #108
v1.0.5 (2022-02-14)
- Fixed bug where stacking cron jobs can delete lockfiles that belong to another job. #104
v1.0.4 (2022-01-04)
- Add debugging messages to make troubleshooting easier for customers and support #100
v1.0.3 (2021-11-09)
- Document Forwarding from Non Server Nodes #93
v1.0.2 (2021-10-04)
- (MAINT) Readme update to document Sensitive data typed
parameter. #90
v1.0.1 (2021-09-30)
- Project URL. #86
v1.0.1 (2021-09-29)
Initial Release
- puppetlabs/ruby_task_helper (>= 0.3.0 <= 2.0.0)
This Module is only available for use with (1) the Puppet Enterprise Free License for up to 10 Nodes or as part of a Puppet Enterprise paid license, both subject to the Master License Agreement located at or other existing valid license agreement between user and Puppet (“Agreement”) governing the use of Puppet Enterprise or (2) Puppet Bolt for up to a ninety (90) day period from the date this Module is downloaded, subject to the open source license for Puppet Bolt. With the exception of Puppet Bolt, this Module is not available for users of any other open source Puppet software. Any terms not defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement. By downloading this Module, you represent that you have agreed to a valid Agreement for Puppet Enterprise or the applicable open source license for Puppet Bolt and you further agree that your use of the Module is governed by the terms of such Agreement and license, respectively.
Quality checks
We run a couple of automated scans to help you assess a module’s quality. Each module is given a score based on how well the author has formatted their code and documentation and select modules are also checked for malware using VirusTotal.
Please note, the information below is for guidance only and neither of these methods should be considered an endorsement by Puppet.
Malware scan results
The malware detection service on Puppet Forge is an automated process that identifies known malware in module releases before they’re published. It is not intended to replace your own virus scanning solution.
Learn more about malware scans- Module name:
- puppetlabs-pe_event_forwarding
- Module version:
- 2.1.0
- Scan initiated:
- December 3rd 2024, 0:11:04
- Detections:
- 0 / 62
- Scan stats:
- 62 undetected
- 0 harmless
- 0 failures
- 0 timeouts
- 0 malicious
- 0 suspicious
- 14 unsupported
- Scan report:
- View the detailed scan report