Version information
This version is compatible with:
- Puppet Enterprise 2025.1.x, 2023.8.x, 2023.7.x, 2023.6.x, 2023.5.x, 2023.4.x, 2023.3.x, 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x
- Puppet >= 7.0.0 < 9.0.0
- , , , , , , , ,
Start using this module
Add this module to your Puppetfile:
mod 'puppet-jenkins', '6.0.0'
Learn more about managing modules with a PuppetfileDocumentation
This is intended to be a re-usable Puppet module that you can include in your own tree.
Experimental Types and Providers
The experimental types/providers are not for the faint of heart. If you are starting out with this module you probably want to skip directly to Getting Started.
A family of experimental native types and providers has been added to this module, in parallel to the existing classes and defined types, with the goal of soliciting feedback. One of the primary benefits of these new types is not requiring manifest changes to manage jenkins with or without "security" enabled. The goal is to eventually replace the functionality of the existing classes/defines with the new types. Usage feedback (positive and negative), bug reports and/or PRs would be greatly welcomed.
The semantics and API of these types should be considered unstable and almost certainly will change based on feedback. It is currently unclear if these types will be considered part of the public API or treated as private to the module.
Jenkins 2.54 and 2.46.2 remoting free CLI and username / password CLI auth
Jenkins refactored the CLI in 2.54 and 2.46.2 in response to several security incidents (See JENKINS-41745. This module has been adjusted to support the new CLI.
The CLI supports proper authentication with username and password. It's a
requirement for supporting AD and OpenID authentications (there is no ssh key
there). You can supply $jenkins::cli_username
to use username / password based authentication.
Then the puppet automation user can also reside in A.D
Note: Jenkins requires a ssh username, so you must also provide
for ssh. If you specify both username/password
and ssh key file, SSH authentication is preferred.
Using puppet-jenkins
Getting Started
puppet module install puppet/jenkins
node '' {
include jenkins
Then the service should be running at
Jenkins' options
Master Executor Threads
class { 'jenkins':
executors => 0,
Managing Jenkins jobs
Build jobs can be managed using the jenkins::job
Creating or updating a build job
jenkins::job { 'test-build-job':
config => template("${templates}/test-build-job.xml.erb"),
Removing an existing build job
jenkins::job { 'test-build-job':
ensure => 'absent',
Installing Jenkins plugins
The Jenkins puppet module defines the jenkins::plugin
resource which
will download and install the plugin "by
The names of the plugins can be found on the update site
By default, the resource will install the latest plugin, i.e.:
jenkins::plugin { 'git': }
If you specify version => 'latest'
in current releases of the module, the
plugin will be downloaded and installed with every run of Puppet. This is a
known issue and will be addressed in future releases.
By version
If you need to peg a specific version, simply specify that as a string, i.e.:
jenkins::plugin { 'git':
version => '1.1.11',
Note that plugin will timeout if it takes longer than 120 seconds to download.
You can increase this by specifying a timeout value, i.e: timeout => 240
This module will download the jenkins modules over HTTP, without SSL. In order to add some verification regarding the downloaded file, you can specify a checksum. You can also define a checksum type with 'digest_type' (default to sha1 if unspecified) ie.:
jenkins::plugin { 'git':
version => '2.2.12',
digest_string => '48141822e0eea1faa1a1a99b35372494e7352c2746ca3aa3a19a07f34b021848d2cd0bffc8959c1b809c5be231c1b49e9ffec0430dd68938197ac0f34588ee25',
digest_type => 'sha512',
Direct URL
Direct URL from which to download plugin without modification. This is particularly useful for development and testing of plugins which may not be hosted in the typical Jenkins' plugin directory structure.
jenkins::plugin { 'myplugin':
source => '',
Note that that when source
is specified, the version
and plugin_url
parameters will have no effect on the plugin retrieval URL.
Plugin dependencies
Dependencies are not automatically installed. You need to manually determine the plugin dependencies and include those as well. The Jenkins wiki is a good place to do this. For example: The Git plugin page is at
You can automatically add slaves to jenkins, and have them auto register themselves. Most options are actually optional, as nodes will auto-discover the master, and connect.
Full documentation for the slave code is in jenkins::slave.
It requires the swarm plugin on the master & the class jenkins::slave on the slaves, as below:
node /jenkins-slave.*/ {
class { 'jenkins::slave':
masterurl => '',
ui_user => 'adminuser',
ui_pass => 'adminpass',
node /jenkins-master.*/ {
include jenkins
include jenkins::master
Depending on Jenkins
If you have any resource in Puppet that depends on Jenkins being present, add
the following require
exec { 'some-exec':
require => Class['jenkins::package'],
# ... etc
Advanced features
- Plugin Hash - jenkins::plugins
- Config Hash - jenkins::config
- Configure Firewall - jenkins (init.pp)
- Outbound Jenkins Proxy Config - jenkins (init.pp)
- CLI Helper
- Jenkins Users
- Credentials
- Simple security model configuration
API-based Resources and Settings (Users, Credentials, security)
This module includes a groovy-based helper script that uses the Jenkins CLI to interact with the Jenkins API. Users, Credentials, and security model configuration are all driven through this script.
When an API-based resource is defined, the Jenkins' CLI is installed and run against the local system ( Jenkins is assumed to be listening on port 8080, but the module is smart enough to notice if you've configured an alternate port using jenkins::config_hash['JENKINS_PORT'].
Users and credentials are Puppet-managed, meaning that changes made to them from outside Puppet will be reset at the next puppet run. In this way, you can ensure that certain accounts are present and have the appropriate login credentials.
CLI Helper
The CLI helper assumes unauthenticated access unless configured otherwise.
You can configure jenkins::cli_helper
to use an SSH key on the managed system
by passing the keyfile path as a class parameter:
class {'jenkins':
cli_ssh_keyfile => '/path/to/id_rsa',
... or via hiera:
jenkins::cli_ssh_keyfile: "/path/to/id_rsa"
Direct including of the jenkins::cli_helper
class into the manifest is deprecated.
There's an open bug in Jenkins (JENKINS-22346) that causes authentication to fail when a key is used but authentication is disabled. Until the bug is fixed, you may need to bootstrap jenkins out-of-band to ensure that resources and security policy are configured in the correct order. For example:
# In puppet:
anchor {'jenkins-bootstrap-start': } ->
Class['jenkins::cli_helper'] ->
Exec[$bootstrap_script] ->
anchor {'jenkins-bootstrap-complete': }
# Code for $bootstrap_script
#!/bin/bash -e
# Generate an SSH key for the admin user
ADMIN_USER='<%= admin_user_name %>'
ADMIN_EMAIL='<%= admin_user_email %>'
ADMIN_PASSWORD='<%= admin_user_password %>'
ADMIN_FULLNAME='<%= admin_user_full_name %>'
ADMIN_SSH_KEY='<%= admin_ssh_keyfile %>'
JENKINS_CLI='<%= jenkins_libdir %>/jenkins-cli.jar'
PUPPET_HELPER='<%= jenkins_libdir %>/puppet_helper.groovy'
HELPER="java -jar $JENKINS_CLI -s groovy $PUPPET_HELPER"
DONEFILE='<%= jenkins_libdir %>/jenkins-bootstrap.done'
# Create the admin user, passing no credentials
# Enable security. After this, credentials will be required.
$HELPER set_security full_control
The defined type jenkins::cli::exec
may be used to execute arbitrary CLI helper
Arguments to the CLI helper script may be specified as the resource's title.
jenkins::cli::exec { 'set_num_executors 0': }
Or passed as an array to the command
parameter. This example is
semantically equivalent to the first.
jenkins::cli::exec { 'set_num_executors 0':
command => ['set_num_executors', '0'],
which is also equivalent to:
jenkins::cli::exec { 'set_num_executors 0':
command => 'set_num_executors 0',
If the unless
parameter is specified, an environment variable named
is declared which contains the complete string needed to execute
the CLI helper script (minus arguments). This may be useful in constructing
idempotent exec
$num_executors = 0
jenkins::cli::exec { "set_num_executors ${num_executors}":
unless => "[ \$(\$HELPER_CMD get_num_executors) -eq ${num_executors} ]"
Email and password are required.
Create a johndoe
user account whose full name is "Managed by Puppet":
jenkins::user { 'johndoe':
email => '',
password => 'changeme',
Password is required. For ssh credentials, password
is the key passphrase (or
'' if there is none). private_key_or_path
is the text of key itself or an
absolute path to a key file on the managed system.
Create ssh credentials named 'github-deploy-key', providing an unencrypted private key:
jenkins::credentials { 'github-deploy-key':
password => '',
private_key_or_path => hiera('::github_deploy_key'),
Setting a UUID:
You can also specify a UUID to use with the credentials, which will be used to identify the credentials from within the job config. This is necessary when setting credentials for use with the git plugin, for example.
You can either manually generate a UUID from a site like, or use the UUID from an existing user, which is accessible within the URL of the Jenkins console when managing an existing user's credentials.
jenkins::credentials { 'deploy-user':
password => '',
private_key_or_path => hiera('::deploy_key'),
uuid => hiera('::deploy_credentials_uuid'),
Configuring Security
The Jenkins security model can be set to one of two modes:
- Users have full control after login. Authentication uses Jenkins' built-in user database.unsecured
- Authentication is not required.
Jenkins security is not managed by puppet unless jenkins::security is defined.
Using from Github / source
With librarian
If you use librarian-puppet, add
the following to your Puppetfile
mod "puppet/jenkins"
With the "puppet module" tool
This module is compatible with the puppet module tool. Appropriately this module has been released to the Puppet Forge, allowing you to easily install the released version of the module
To quickly try this module with the puppet module tool:
% sudo puppet module install puppet/jenkins
% sudo puppet apply -v -e 'include jenkins'
info: Loading facts in facter_dot_d
info: Loading facts in facter_dot_d
info: Applying configuration version '1323459431'
notice: /Stage[main]/Jenkins::Repo::El/Yumrepo[jenkins]/descr: descr changed '' to 'Jenkins'
notice: /Stage[main]/Jenkins::Repo::El/Yumrepo[jenkins]/baseurl: baseurl changed '' to ''
notice: /Stage[main]/Jenkins::Repo::El/Yumrepo[jenkins]/gpgcheck: gpgcheck changed '' to '1'
notice: /Stage[main]/Jenkins::Repo::El/File[/etc/yum/]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}9fa06089848262c5a6383ec27fdd2575'
notice: /Stage[main]/Jenkins::Repo::El/Exec[rpm --import /etc/yum/]/returns: executed successfully
notice: /Stage[main]/Jenkins::Package/Package[jenkins]/ensure: created
notice: /Stage[main]/Jenkins::Service/Service[jenkins]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
notice: Finished catalog run in 27.46 seconds
Overriding the jenkins package name
It's possible to specify a different package name to the default jenkins
if you wish:
class { 'jenkins':
package_name => 'jenkins_custom',
Installing from a hosted RPM
Sometimes you don't have an RPM repository available and are not allowed to directly install from repositories on the Internet. In this case, you can still install Jenkins with this module by hosting the jenkins RPM file somewhere accessible (http server, S3 bucket, etc.) and tell
class { 'jenkins':
direct_download => 'http://myserver/rpms/',
Table of Contents
Public Classes
: This class manages the Jenkins CI/CD service. Note that if different jenkins listening port(s) are configurjenkins::cli::config
: This class provides configuration values to override defaults and fact data for PuppetX::Jenkins::Provider::Clihelper based providers. Defaujenkins::cli_helper
: A helper script for creating resources via the Jenkins clijenkins::master
: Install a masterjenkins::security
: Jenkins security configurationjenkins::slave
: === Examples class { 'jenkins::slave': masterurl => '', ui_user => 'adminuser', ui_pass =>
Private Classes
: Allow Jenkins commands to be issued from the command linejenkins::cli::reload
: Command Jenkins to reload config.xml via the CLI.jenkins::config
: Wire up the configurationjenkins::direct_download
: Support for directly downloading a package file - for when no repository is availablejenkins::firewall
: Integrate with the puppetlabs-firewall module for opening the port to Jenkins automaticallyjenkins::jobs
: Create Jenkins Jobsjenkins::package
: Installation of the Jenkins native package.jenkins::params
: Default parametersjenkins::plugins
: Install Jenkins pluginsjenkins::proxy
: Configure the proxy partjenkins::repo
: Pull in the platform specific repo classesjenkins::repo::debian
: Set up the apt repo on Debian-based distrosjenkins::repo::el
: Set up the yum repo on Red Hat-based distrosjenkins::repo::suse
: Set up the Zypper repo on SUSE-based distrosjenkins::service
: Manage the Jenkins servicejenkins::user_setup
: Optionally create the jenkins user and make sure all directories have proper permissions setup.jenkins::users
: Create Jenkins users
Defined types
Public Defined types
: Change config files using augeasjenkins::cli::exec
: Executing custom helper script commands via the Jenkins CLI.jenkins::credentials
: Jenkins credentials via the CloudBees Credentials pluginjenkins::job
: Manage Jenkins jobs given a name and config xmljenkins::plugin
: Manage the state of an installed pluginjenkins::user
: Manage Jenkins user accounts
Private Defined types
: Removes a jenkins build jobjenkins::job::present
: Creates or updates a jenkins build job
: Return the configurad Jenkins port value (corresponds to /etc/defaults/jenkins -> JENKINS_PORT Example: $port = jenkins_port()jenkins_prefix
: Return the configured Jenkins prefix value (corresponds to /etc/defaults/jenkins -> PREFIX) Example: $prefix = jenkins_prefix()
Data types
: A custom data type for a jenkins tunnel verification
This class manages the Jenkins CI/CD service.
Note that if different jenkins listening port(s) are configured via
and jenkins::config_hash
resource, "bad things" are
likely to happen. This is a known implementation problem with this module
that can not be fixed without breaking backwards compatibility.
Bulk sysconf
class{ 'jenkins':
config_hash => {
'JENKINS_PORT' => { 'value' => '9090' },
Bulk plugin installation (code)
class{ 'jenkins::plugins':
plugin_hash => {
'git' => { version => '1.1.1' },
'parameterized-trigger' => {},
'multiple-scms' => {},
'git-client' => {},
'token-macro' => {},
Bulk plugin installation (hiera)
version: '1.1.1'
parameterized-trigger: {}
multiple-scms: {}
git-client: {}
token-macro: {}
Bulk user creation (code)
class{ 'jenkins':
user_hash => {
'user1' => {
'password' => 'pass1',
'email' => '',
Bulk user creation (hiera)
password: 'pass1'
email: ''
Manage version of credentials
plugin (hiera)
jenkins::default_plugins: []
version: 2.1.5
digest_string: 7db002e7b053f863e2ce96fb58abb98a9c01b09c
digest_type: sha1
Explicitly manage all plugins (hiera)
jenkins::default_plugins: []
jenkins::purge_plugins: true
version: '2.1.10'
version: '2.38'
# support-core deps
version: ''
version: '2.7.3'
version: '2.16.0'
# /support-core deps
The following parameters are available in the jenkins
Data type: String
package to install
(Default) do NOT update jenkins to the most recent version.latest
automatically update the version of jenkins to the current version available via your package manager.
Default value: 'installed'
Data type: Boolean
use the upstream jenkins "Long Term Support" repos
Use the most up to date version of jenkinstrue
(Default) Use LTS version of jenkins
Default value: true
Data type: Boolean
configure upstream jenkins package repos
means do NOT configure the upstream jenkins package repo. This
means you'll manage a repo manually outside this module. This can also be
your distribution's repo.
Default value: $jenkins::params::repo
Data type: String
Optionally override the package name
Default value: 'jenkins'
Data type: Optional[String]
URL to jenkins package
Ignore repository based package installation and download the package
directly. Leave as undef
(the default) to download using your OS package
Default value: undef
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
Directory in which to store a direct_download
Default value: '/var/cache/jenkins_pkgs'
Data type: Optional[String]
Override the package
resource provider
This only has effect when using direct_download
Default value: $jenkins::params::package_provider
Data type: Boolean
Enable management of Service[jenkins]
When setting to false
please ensure something else defines
in order for some module functionality (e.g.
) to work properly
Default value: true
Data type: Boolean
Enable (or not) the jenkins service
Default value: true
Data type: Enum['running', 'stopped']
Status of the jenkins service
Default value: 'running'
Data type: Hash[String[1], String]
Override the jenkins service configuration
Default value: {}
Data type: Optional[String]
Override Service[jenkins]
resource provider
Setting this to undef
on platforms with systemd
will force the
usage of package provider sysv init scripts.
Default value: undef
Data type: Hash
options to set in sysconfig/jenkins defaults/jenkins
(see jenkins::sysconf)
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
plugins to install
(see jenkins::plugin)
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
jobs to install
(see jenkins::job)
Default value: {}
Data type: Hash
jenkins users to create
Default value: {}
Data type: Boolean
For folks that want to manage the puppetlabs firewall module.
- If it's not present in the catalog, nothing happens.
- If it is, you need to explicitly set this true / false.
- We didn't want you to have a service opened automatically, or unreachable inexplicably.
- This default changed in v1.0 to be undef.
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
use the puppetlabs-java
module to install a JDK
Jenkins requires a JRE. Setting this to false
means that you are
response for managing a JDK outside of this module.
Default value: true
Data type: Optional[String]
proxy to download packages
This parameter is only relevant for yum
repos managed by this module.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
proxy hostname for plugin installation via this module and the UpdateCenter
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Integer]
proxy port for plugin installation via this module and the UpdateCenter
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Array]
List of hostname patterns to skip using the proxy.
- Only effective if "proxy_host" and "proxy_port" are set.
- Only applies to plugins installed via the UpdateCenter
Default value: undef
Data type: Boolean
install jenkins-cli.jar
CLI utility
- force installation of the jenkins CLI jar to
- the cli is automatically installed when needed by components that use it, such as the user and credentials types, and the security class
Default value: true
Data type: Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]
Provides the location of an ssh private key file to make authenticated connections to the Jenkins CLI.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Provides the username for authenticating to Jenkins via username and password.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Provides the password for authenticating to Jenkins via username and password. Needed if cli_username is specified.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Provides the password file for authenticating to Jenkins via username and password. Needed if cli_username is specified and cli_password is undefined.
Default value: undef
Data type: Integer
Retries until giving up talking to jenkins API
Default value: 10
Data type: Integer
Seconds between tries to contact jenkins API
Default value: 10
Data type: Integer
Jenkins listening HTTP port
Note that this value is used for CLI communication and firewall configuration. It does not configure the port on which the jenkins service listens. (see config_hash)
Default value: 8080
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
Path to jenkins core files
Default value: '/usr/share/java'
Data type: Boolean
manage the local state dir, plugins dir and jobs dir
Default value: true
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
base path, in the autoconf
sense, for jenkins local data including jobs
and plugins
Default value: '/var/lib/jenkins'
Data type: Optional[Integer]
number of executors on the Jenkins master
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Integer]
jenkins slave agent
Default value: undef
Data type: Boolean
manage the system jenkins user
Default value: true
Data type: String
system user that owns the jenkins master's files
Default value: 'jenkins'
Data type: Boolean
manage the system jenkins group
Default value: true
Data type: String
system group that owns the jenkins master's files
Default value: 'jenkins'
Data type: Array
List of default plugins installed by this module
The the credentials
plugin is required for this module to properly
function. No version is specified. Set to []
if you want to explicitly
manage all plugins version
Default value: $jenkins::params::default_plugins
Data type: String
Provide a way to override plugins host for all plugins
Default value: ''
Data type: Boolean
Purge all plugins not explicitly managed by this module
This will result in plugins manually installed via the UpdateCenter being removed. Only enable this option if you want to manage all plugins (and plugin dependencies) explicitly.
Default value: false
This class provides configuration values to override defaults and fact data for PuppetX::Jenkins::Provider::Clihelper based providers.
Default and fact data is managed internal to the PuppetX::Jenkins::Provider::Clihelper class for compatiblity with the puppet resource face. No defaults should be set in this classes definition.
The following parameters are available in the jenkins::cli::config
Data type: Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Integer]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Numeric]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Default value: undef
Data type: String
Default value: '/tmp/jenkins_credentials_for_puppet'
Data type: Boolean
Default value: false
Data type: Optional[String]
Default value: undef
A helper script for creating resources via the Jenkins cli
Install a master
The following parameters are available in the jenkins::master
Data type: String
Version of the swarm plugin
Default value: $jenkins::params::swarm_version
Copyright 2014 RetailMeNot, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
The following parameters are available in the jenkins::security
Data type: String
=== Examples
class { 'jenkins::slave': masterurl => '', ui_user => 'adminuser', ui_pass => 'adminpass' }
=== Authors
Matthew Barr
=== Copyright
Copyright 2013 Matthew Barr , but can be used for anything by anyone..
The following parameters are available in the jenkins::slave
Data type: Optional[String]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Jenkins::Tunnel]
Default value: undef
Data type: String
Default value: $jenkins::params::swarm_version
Data type: Integer
Default value: 2
Data type: Boolean
Default value: true
Data type: String
Default value: 'jenkins-slave'
Data type: Optional[String]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Integer]
Default value: undef
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
Default value: '/home/jenkins-slave'
Data type: Enum['normal', 'exclusive']
Default value: 'normal'
Data type: Boolean
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Default value: false
Data type: Array[String[1]]
Default value: []
Data type: Any
Default value: true
Data type: Boolean
Default value: true
Data type: Enum['running', 'stopped']
Default value: 'running'
Data type: Boolean
Default value: true
Data type: Array[String[1]]
Default value: []
Data type: Array[String[1]]
Default value: []
Data type: Boolean
Default value: false
Data type: Any
Default value: '/usr/bin/java'
Defined types
Change config files using augeas
Configure the git plugin
jenkins::augeas { 'git':
plugin => true,
config_filename => 'hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.xml',
context => '/hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM_-DescriptorImpl',
changes => [
'set globalConfigName/#text "Bob the Builder"',
'set globalConfigEmail/#text "",
The following parameters are available in the jenkins::augeas
defined type:
Data type: String
Filename of the configuration file to work on relative to the jenkins localstatedir.
Data type: Variant[Array[String], String]
String or array with augeas changes to perform.
Data type: Optional[Variant[Array[String], String]]
Optional augeas command and comparisons to control the execution of this type.
Default value: undef
Data type: Variant[Boolean,String]
Optionally jenkins::augeas can also install the plugin. If this is set to true, we use the name of the resource as plugin name. If it's a string, that is used as plugin name.
Default value: false
Data type: Optional[String]
Optional plugin version to pass through to jenkins::plugin
Default value: undef
Data type: String
Optional context to ease your change rules.
Default value: '/'
Data type: Boolean
If set to true, will trigger a jenkins (safe-)restart in stead of reloading the configuration.
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Whether to display differences when the file changes, defaulting to true.
Default value: true
Executing custom helper script commands via the Jenkins CLI.
The following parameters are available in the jenkins::cli::exec
defined type:
Data type: Optional[String]
The unless parameter passed to the exec resource
Default value: undef
Data type: Variant[String, Array]
The command or commands to run
Default value: $title
Copyright 2014 RetailMeNot, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
The following parameters are available in the jenkins::credentials
defined type:
Data type: String
Data type: String
Default value: 'Managed by Puppet'
Data type: String
Default value: ''
Data type: Enum['present', 'absent']
Default value: 'present'
Data type: String
Default value: ''
Manage Jenkins jobs given a name and config xml
The following parameters are available in the jenkins::job
defined type:
Data type: String
The content of the jenkins job config file (required)
Data type: Optional[String]
Path to a puppet file() resource containing the Jenkins XML job description. Will override 'config' if set
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
Path to a puppet template() resource containing the Jenkins XML job description. Will override 'config' if set
Default value: undef
Data type: String
the name of the jenkins job
Default value: $title
Data type: Enum['present', 'absent']
choose 'absent' to ensure the job is removed
Default value: 'present'
Data type: String
Provide a command to execute to compare Jenkins job files
Default value: '/usr/bin/diff -b -q'
Data type: Boolean
Whether or not to replace the job if it already exists.
Default value: true
This can be used to manage the state of individual plugins. Note that it does no dependency management and that's all up to the user. This is particularly important to remember when also purging plugins.
The following parameters are available in the jenkins::plugin
defined type:
Data type: Optional[String]
The version to ensure
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Name of the config file for this plugin. Note config_content must also be set.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Content of the config file for this plugin. It is up to the caller to create this content from a template or any other mean. config_filename must also be set.
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[String]
Direct URL from which to download plugin without modification. This is particularly useful for development and testing of plugins which may not be hosted in the typical Jenkins' plugin directory structure. E.g.,
Default value: undef
Data type: Enum['hpi', 'jpi']
When no source is given, this extension is used
Default value: 'hpi'
Data type: Optional[String]
An optional digest string to verify integrity. The digest_type parameter describes content of this string. It's passed to puppet-archive to verify the downloaded plugin.
Default value: undef
Data type: String
This parameter describes the content of digest_string. It's passed to puppet-archive to verify the downloaded plugin.
Default value: 'sha1'
Data type: Boolean
Ensure whether the plugin is enabled or not. Disabled plugins are still installed.
Default value: true
Data type: Boolean
Pin the plugin to a specific version. This prevents the updater from updating it.
Default value: false
Data type: Array[String[1]]
Add options to Archive's curl
Default value: ['--http1.1']
Copyright 2014 RetailMeNot, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
The following parameters are available in the jenkins::user
defined type:
Data type: Pattern[/^[^@]+@[^@]+$/]
Data type: String
Data type: String
Default value: 'Managed by Puppet'
Data type: String
Default value: ''
Data type: Enum['present', 'absent']
Default value: 'present'
Type: Ruby 3.x API
Return the configurad Jenkins port value (corresponds to /etc/defaults/jenkins -> JENKINS_PORT
$port = jenkins_port()
Return the configurad Jenkins port value (corresponds to /etc/defaults/jenkins -> JENKINS_PORT
$port = jenkins_port()
Returns: Any
Type: Ruby 3.x API
Return the configured Jenkins prefix value (corresponds to /etc/defaults/jenkins -> PREFIX)
$prefix = jenkins_prefix()
Return the configured Jenkins prefix value (corresponds to /etc/defaults/jenkins -> PREFIX)
$prefix = jenkins_prefix()
Returns: Any
Data types
A custom data type for a jenkins tunnel verification
Alias of Variant[Pattern[/.+:$/], Pattern[/.+:[0-9]+/], Pattern[/^:[0-9]+/]]
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Each new release typically also includes the latest modulesync defaults. These should not affect the functionality of the module.
v6.0.0 (2025-01-07)
Breaking changes:
- Drop support for Ubuntu 20.04 #1119 (evgeni)
- Drop EoL EL7 support #1112 (bastelfreak)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add support for Ubuntu 24.04 #1118 (evgeni)
- Add support for Debian 12 #1117 (evgeni)
- Support puppetlabs/apt 10.x; require >= 9.2 #1116 (evgeni)
- puppet/systemd: allow 8.x #1113 (jay7x)
Merged pull requests:
v5.0.0 (2024-05-07)
Breaking changes:
- CentOS: Drop EoL 7/8 support #1106 (bastelfreak)
- Use native Puppet instead of the retries Gem in the CLI provider, replacing try_sleep parameter by exponential backoff #904 (ekohl)
Implemented enhancements:
- update puppet-systemd upper bound to 8.0.0 #1102 (TheMeier)
- Add support for Puppet 8 #1095 (evgeni)
- Add support for puppetlabs/java 11.x #1094 (evgeni)
- replace deprecated
function with native puppet #1092 (zilchms) - Remove legacy top-scope syntax #1084 (smortex)
- Add download option to jenkins module #1073 (ekohl)
v4.0.0 (2023-09-29)
Breaking changes:
- Drop Ubuntu 18.04, add 20.04 and 22.04 support #1080 (evgeni)
- Drop Puppet 6 support #1074 (bastelfreak)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add support for EL9, document Alma/Oracle/Rocky support #1081 (evgeni)
- Allow puppetlabs/stdlib 9.x, puppetlabs/java 10.x, puppet/archive 7.x, puppet/zypprepo 5.x, puppet/systemd 6.x #1076 (bastelfreak)
v3.3.0 (2023-04-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update repository key for 2023 #1069 (flichtenheld)
Merged pull requests:
v3.2.1 (2023-04-11)
Fixed bugs:
v3.2.0 (2023-04-11)
Implemented enhancements:
v3.1.0 (2023-04-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- el repo enabled toggle added #1064 (wimkorevaar)
- bump puppet/systemd to \< 5.0.0 #1063 (jhoblitt)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix broken Apache-2 license #1062 (bastelfreak)
v3.0.0 (2022-09-16)
Breaking changes:
- remove deprecated param $ssh_keyfile from jenkins::cli_helper #866
- Change slave on mac to use plist and use EPP #1057 (ekohl)
- Remove deprecated hiera_array usage #1055 (ekohl)
- Drop Ubuntu 16.04 support #1039 (ekohl)
- Drop sysvinit support in jenkins::slave #1038 (ekohl)
- Rewrite to native systemd #1035 (ekohl)
- Change supported Puppet versions to 6 & 7 #1003 (genebean)
- Remove deprecated enabled parameter on job #991 (ekohl)
- Remove params from jenkins::plugin and make it lint clean #985 (ekohl)
- Drop code old CLI remoting support #984 (ekohl)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add a way to set the open files limit in systemd service #1009
- function hiera_array is deprecated #983
- Support for Ubuntu 16.04 (systemd) #666
- Add support for a custom JAVA_HOME #217
- Should we include the puppet-jenkinstracking code? #110
- The module should support FreeBSD 10 and pkgng #105
- Install Java 11 JDK on Red Hat OSes #1054 (ekohl)
- Install Java 11 on Red Hat OSes #1053 (ekohl)
- Drop-in file systemd configuration #1044 (jan-win1993)
- Allow up-to-date dependencies #1019 (smortex)
- puppet/archive: allow 5.x #1010 (bastelfreak)
- Implement ConduitCredentialsImpl in groovy_helper #986 (ekohl)
- Bugfix/custom localdir with user: Fixes #462 #484 (vStone)
Fixed bugs:
- Update references to rtyler/jenkins in README #934
- template path is required to be absolute #768
- Jenkins no longer supports java 7 #638
- Create jenkins user before installing the package with manage_user #462
- Error in plugin version check algo? #192
- Allow template to be a string #1059 (ekohl)
- Fix a reference to jenkins::service #950 (ekohl)
- Use variables for tries and try_sleep everywhere instead of hardcoding #919 (jhooyberghs)
Closed issues:
- Support for Jenkins \< 2.332 #1042
- Does no longer work with jenkins 2.332.1 or 2.335 onwards #1031
- Jenkins is no longer forking (--daemon has been removed) #1024
- Error #1012
- Error #1011
- Plugin download / installation not idempotent #1002
- jenkins-cli.jar has been renamed in the jenkins rpm. #998
- Jenkins Redhat repo certificate has expired #989
- Puppet enterprise error line 425 Could not find class ::java #988
- Jenkins not installing on Centos 7 due to gpg key #979
- The Jenkins Debian package key needs to be updated #971
- Step /Jenkins::Cli/Exec[jenkins-cli] Fails on install #970
- Jenkins-CLI cli.pp #944
- Installed Credentials + Structs plugins are not pinned to a specific version #941
- jenkins-slave-run script fails when JAVA_ARGS is set with multiple settings #939
- CSP Support #927
- Code ordering issue on Ubuntu 18.04 and Puppet6 #920
- remoting-cli setting removed in 2.165 #918
- repo parameter does not work #906
- File jenkins-slave created with wrong owner under Darwin. #892
- Release new version? #891
- semi-regular triage/use case discussions? #857
- new Forge release checklist #855
- revert new CLI interface #854
- Acceptance tests related to plugin installations (or that require a plugin installation) are not failing/succeeding consistenly. #839
- legacy CLI.jar remoting is broken #814
- Deprecated cli access, unable to set initial admin account #808
- Add a docker based acceptance test for Arch Linux #797
- use get-job to ensure that exists, before create it #787
- apt-get update not run after jenkins repo added #785
- RSpec Testing when overriding default plugins #784
- Puppetserver workaround still works? #693
- 1.7.1 release? #678
- Service[jenkins-slave] not idempotent #639
- Could not unmask jenkins-slave #578
- 2.1 support #575
- travis lint warnings #520
- Create job for this project #510
- JAVA_ARGS escaping issue #448
Merged pull requests:
- Remove unused plugins_from_updatecenter #1056 (ekohl)
- Remove old RHEL 5 example #1052 (ekohl)
- Remove PIDFile workaround and deprecated code #1045 (ekohl)
- Fix acceptance tests #1041 (ekohl)
- Move static params to the top level #1037 (ekohl)
- More puppet-strings conversion #1036 (ekohl)
- Fix unit tests with kwarg expectations #1034 (ekohl)
- Don't put unparseable JSON in output #1028 (jvdmr)
- Remove Optional[] where the param has a default #1027 (ekohl)
- Drop EL6 tests #1026 (ekohl)
- add version fact and daemon param for systemd unit file #1025 (fe80)
- puppet-lint: fix top_scope_facts warnings #1020 (bastelfreak)
- switch from camptocamp/systemd to voxpupuli/systemd #1018 (bastelfreak)
- camptocamp/systemd: Allow 3.x #1017 (bastelfreak)
- puppet/zypprepo: Allow 3.x & 4.x #1016 (bastelfreak)
- puppetlabs/apt: allow 8.x #1015 (bastelfreak)
- puppetlabs/stdlib: allow 7.x #1014 (bastelfreak)
- Fix slave run with additional swarm arguments provided #1013 (vStone)
- update dependency puppetlabs-java to support \< 8.0.0 #1008 (saz)
- Lint clean and add more puppet-strings docs #995 (ekohl)
- allow puppetlabs/java \< 7.0.0 #994 (saz)
- Drop GoogleRobotPrivateKeyCredentials implementation #987 (ekohl)
- Rewrite function tests to modern rspec-puppet #982 (ekohl)
- Fix the plugin acceptance tests #981 (ekohl)
- Fix BasicSSHUserPrivateKey acceptance test #978 (ekohl)
- Update debian GPG key #972 (igalic)
- Feature/cli auth fix #965 (TomRitserveldt)
- Use voxpupuli-acceptance #963 (ekohl)
- Fix incorrect syntax in acceptance tests #958 (ekohl)
- Drop okjson #956 (ekohl)
- Respect manage_service with Jenkins::Systemd[Jenkins] #955 (ekohl)
- Avoid global variables in acceptance tests #954 (ekohl)
- Remove unused file #953 (ekohl)
- Drop Puppet 3.x code #952 (ekohl)
- Use more expressive rspec syntax #951 (ekohl)
- Reference jenkins_plugins via $facts #949 (ekohl)
- Remove redundant code #948 (ekohl)
- Simplify the fact definition #947 (ekohl)
- Switch to open source UUID generator #938 (aarreedd)
- Update references to rtyler/jenkins #935 (gguillotte)
- Clean up acceptance spec helper #931 (ekohl)
- Rely more on stdlib and apt modules #917 (ekohl)
- Refactor repository handling #882 (ekohl)
v2.0.0 (2019-06-04)
Breaking changes:
- modulesync 2.7.0 and drop puppet 4 #908 (bastelfreak)
- modulesync 2.4.0 + drop Ubuntu 14.04 #879 (bastelfreak)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow slave defaults management to be optional #619
- Update jenkins::slave::java_args to be an array. #573
- resurrect PR #467: Support FileCredentialsImpl in jenkins_credentials native type #529
- Default to running beaker tests on EC2 #401
- Including group parameter for jenkins slave #361
- Initscripts shouldn't call su/runuser as login shell #287
- Add puppet-doc-lint #178
- Darwin/osx support #112
- Add browserstack credentials support #897 (vStone)
- Add support for GoogleRobotPrivateKeyCredentials #861 (thaiphv)
- Run apt_update when defining debian repos #821 (beezly)
- Feature/job replace parameter #759 (vStone)
- Fix by setting mode explicitly #745 (elconas)
- Add support for conduit credentials #737 (oc243)
- Provide a way to override default_plugins_host for all plugins at one time #727 (egouraud-claranet)
- really, really fix slave auth #719 (jhoblitt)
- restart jenkins master after purging plugins #706 (jhoblitt)
- add purge_plugins param to jenkins class #704 (jhoblitt)
- add jenkins::default_plugins param #697 (jhoblitt)
- systemd jenkins master support on RedHat #694 (jhoblitt)
- fix slave systemd support #692 (jhoblitt)
- add swarm client systemd support #691 (jhoblitt)
- add jenkins::sysconfdir parameter #689 (jhoblitt)
- disable plugin pinning by default #688 (jhoblitt)
- add firewall module dependency info #676 (vinhut)
- Add support for gitlab api token credential - #664 #667 (ripclawffb)
- Add support for disabling management of Service[jenkins] #661 (rtyler)
- Add swarm client args string to support multiple arguments #655 (rtyler)
- Disable swarm unique id on slave #650 (mterzo)
- Allow groups to be set for the jenkins-slave user #629 (br0ch0n)
- Removing 'enable' statement on job.pp and job/present.pp #584 (zonArt)
- Dynamic job configuration #583 (zonArt)
Fixed bugs:
- archive type not failing on HTTP 404s #783
- slave password authentication broken #714
- Credentials plugin hard coded #665
- puppet_helper.groovy throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: hudson.tasks.Mailer.UserProperty #633
- puppet_helper.groovy throwing error.. No such property: cred for class: Actions #624
- Won't install alongside puppetlabs-mysql #623
- uninitialized constant json when using Jenkins_credentials provider #617
experimental password setting is broken #499- Ensure $jenkins::localstatedir to Directory Breaks Filesystem's With Symlinked Mounts #403
- repo::debian.pp does not work with apt module >= 2.0.0 #402
- Jenkins Plugin manifest are now readable since it has got some invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII #265
- Default INFO logging makes jenkins cli output messages that are then … #907 (jhooyberghs)
- Avoid getting plainText from null passphrase #760 (vStone)
- Fix all require statements for files in puppet_x #755 (vStone)
- fix multiple slave labels #721 (jhoblitt)
- workaround voxpupuli/puppet-archive#242 #699 (jhoblitt)
- fix security setting idempotentance #698 (jhoblitt)
- require JSON module -- rebase of #565 #696 (jhoblitt)
- Fix a typo in README - Jennkins #670 (roidelapluie)
- Newer versions of parallel_tests require Ruby 2.0 or newer #662 (rtyler)
- Fix get_running issue for jenkins slave #660 (gtorka)
- Fix syntax for class load of hudson.tasks.Mailer$UserProperty #636 (alan-schwarzenberger)
- Fix for groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException #628 (dangerfield)
- Plugins fail to install due to search false positives #626 (m3brown)
Closed issues:
- jenkins cli broken with latest LTS 2.164.1 ? #905
- Recent Jenkins version may have broken the CLI #896
- Duplicated declaration #880
- New tag? #876
- disable anonymous read when jenkins_authorization_strategy { '': #867
- "Triage Meeting" on Monday 2018-02-19 @ 1600UTC #850
- Passwords aren't quoted properly in jenkins-run.erb #836
- Transfer to Vox Pupuli? #828
- Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile /usr/lib/jenkins/jenkins-cli.jar #827
- A Catalog type is required. at /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/jenkins/manifests/cli.pp:46:37 #826
- Release a new version in Puppet Forge #825
- Private key passing issue with Groovy through jenkins pipeline #817
- Missing dependency for
#813 - jenkins service restart on each puppet run under Redhat 7 #807
- Module puppetlabs/transition required for Debian/Ubuntu nodes #799
- Replace darin/zypprepo with puppet/zypprepo #798
- Remove puppetlabs/apt from hard dependencies #786
- code deploy fails when we add mod 'rtyler-jenkins', '0.3.1' to puppetfile #777
- Release the software in accordance with semantic versioning #770
- Ensure Jenkins::slave failed. #769
- Prevents upgrade of puppetlabs-java module to 2.0.0 #767
- plugins should not reinstall themselves if they are already installed #766
- Commit breaks tests #753
- puppet_helper.groovy uses deprecated remoting mode #749
- Plugin gets reinstalled and restarts Jenkins on Puppet daemon run but NOT manual run #748
- When running with "umask 027" /usr/lib/jenkins/jenkins-cli.jar will be unusable by others #744
- allow jenkins::repo to run in another stage #741
- Swarm 3.3 download URL doesn't exist #739
- The SSL certificate has expired for #726
- jenkins-slave exposes password as command argument #700
- Issue with puppetlabs-apt 2.3.0 #686
- The job xml is stored in /tmp #683
- Keeps want to recreate users on every run #682
- Successful installation/setup, unsuccessful login #681
- Duplicate declaration: Jenkins::Plugin[credentials] is already declared #680
- setting security is not idempotent #673
- 'digest_type' default of 'sha1' is causing all plugins to install repeatedly #668
- puppet_helper.groovy throws an error with unsupported credentials #664
- $jenkins::libdir is undef in jenkins::cli class #654
- Unsuccessful Installation #647
- jenkins::plugins doesn't work properly with puppet 4.6.2 #637
- Allow virtual jenkins host #630
- Ability to send in swarm flags (i.e. deleteExistingClients) to jenkins::slave #616
- Authentication failed. No private key accepted. #602
- Experimental Resource Types not working on Java Puppetmaster (jRuby) #597
- no ordering in config_hash #443
- using jenkins::job with jenkins::cli_helper ends up in dependency loop #258
Merged pull requests:
- add output of facter command to know value of custom fact #916 (Dan33l)
- Allow
4.x andpuppet/archive
4.x #914 (alexjfisher) - Update metadata for Vox Pupuli release #912 (pillarsdotnet)
- Allow puppetlabs/apt 7.x #911 (dhoppe)
- Replace
function with+
#909 (alexjfisher) - split examples about error and idempotency as much as possible #900 (Dan33l)
- fix unreferenced variables; add puppet5/6 support #898 (bastelfreak)
- Add show_diff parameter to pass to augeas resource #895 (zipkid)
- Replace is_array with Puppet 4 native comparision #894 (baurmatt)
- Adding SLES to supported platforms #893 (msurato)
- fix puppet_helper.groovy exception when listing users on recent jenkins versions #889 (jhoblitt)
- Pass java_cmd to (OS X) #887 (hlaf)
- allow puppetlabs/stdlib 5.x #886 (bastelfreak)
- Allow custom location for slave JAVA command #883 (esalberg)
- Fix small typo in jenkins-slave-defaults.erb #881 (danedf)
- partial modulesync 1.9.2 #874 (bastelfreak)
- partial modulesync 1.9.2 #873 (bastelfreak)
- puppet-lint: autofix #872 (bastelfreak)
- notify service containing class instead of service resource #871 (jhoblitt)
- fix native type idempotency with github-oauth plugin #870 (jhoblitt)
- drop EOL OSs; fix puppet version range #869 (bastelfreak)
- bump lower puppet version to 4.10.0 #864 (bastelfreak)
- allow camptocamp/systemd 2.X #859 (bastelfreak)
- 4 more rubocop fixes #852 (alexjfisher)
- RFC: Remove dead JPM code #849 (alexjfisher)
- More rubocop fixes #848 (alexjfisher)
- Fix all remaining auto-fixable rubocop violations #847 (alexjfisher)
- Disable rubocop for okjson.rb and resync from upstream. Fix Rubocop Style/RegexpLiteral #845 (alexjfisher)
- More Rubocop fixes #843 (alexjfisher)
- add pending to AWSCredentialsImpl and GitLabApiTokenImpl #842 (TomRitserveldt)
- Feature/slave tunnel #840 (jhooyberghs)
- Bugfix/dependency 813 #838 (jhooyberghs)
- [828] Change badge url after transferring the repo to voxpopuli #837 (v1v)
- Fixes password quoting for template #835 (tthayer)
- Cleanup the .travis.yml for a modulesync #834 (bastelfreak)
- drop legacy puppet version from testmatrix #832 (bastelfreak)
- Fixes for 21 different rubocop cop violations #831 (alexjfisher)
- VoxPupuli Migration: Fix puppet-lint, rspec-puppet example groups and start rubocop migration #830 (alexjfisher)
- bump dependency on camptocamp/systemd #822 (costela)
- Add missing dependency to the gitlab plugin (credentials) test #820 (vStone)
- GitLab, AWS, and File credentials #815 (danzilio)
- change namespace from PuppetX::Jenkins -> Puppet::X::Jenkins #806 (jhoblitt)
- change zypprepo dependency to voxpupuli #805 (jhoblitt)
- Remove dependencies section from README. #804 (jhoblitt)
- allow newer puppet-archive versions #803 (mmoll)
- allow newer puppetlabs-apt versions #802 (mmoll)
- allow newer puppetlabs-java version #801 (mmoll)
- fix archive type not failing on HTTP 404s #795 (jhoblitt)
- Switch repositories to HTTPs to take advantage of end-to-end TLS #794 (jhoblitt)
- Replace legacy validate_* calls with puppet4 datatypes #793 (jhoblitt)
- remove jenkins plugin dir before upgrade #792 (jhoblitt)
- update travis matrix #790 (jhoblitt)
- bump stdlib min version to 4.18.0 #789 (jhoblitt)
- add rake shellcheck target #788 (jhoblitt)
- Support null passphrase when fetching credential_info #778 (anne23)
- Fix '-remoting' flag tests #775 (alvin-huang)
- Add archlinux support #773 (kBite)
- Restore archive require #763 (madAndroid)
- (documentation) [ci skip]: minor typo affecting markdown rendering of jenkins_job #762 (crayfishx)
- travis matrix update #758 (jhoblitt)
- Correct all arrow alignments using puppet-lint #756 (vStone)
- add support for new CLI interface (remoting is deprecated) #752 (elconas)
- Added legacy functionality when using the
flag in the jenkins cli #751 (darioatbashton) - Remove doc string for unused java_version param #735 (christek91)
- update update-center base URL #728 (jhoblitt)
- lint #722 (PascalBourdier)
- gem updates - leftovers from #713 #717 (jhoblitt)
- fix slave auth broken by #710 #715 (jhoblitt)
- assorted gem updates, cleanups, and/or removals #713 (jhoblitt)
- change apt module >= 2.1.0 #711 (jhoblitt)
- do not expose slave password in process table #710 (jhoblitt)
- initial puppet strings doc format conversion #709 (jhoblitt)
- fix acceptance tests on Debian #707 (jhoblitt)
- tidy up beaker nodesets #695 (jhoblitt)
- swarm update #690 (jhoblitt)
- fix exclusion of puppet 3.x / ruby 2.2 #687 (jhoblitt)
- update travis test matrix #685 (jhoblitt)
- allow newline before start of private key #657 (rtyler)
- Improve credentials definition idempotency #656 (rtyler)
- Avoid "Undefined variable 'proxy_server'" warnings. #648 (jgreen210)
- bump travis puppet version matrix #645 (jhoblitt)
- resolve incompatible beaker related gem versions #644 (jhoblitt)
- Fixes apt module deprecation warnings #458 (vStone)
v1.7.0 (2016-08-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- Update jenkins::slave::labels to be an array. #572
- jenkins_job unable to pretech jobs contained in folders #541
- Missing proxy support for jenkins::slave #442
- puppet module conflict with camptocamp/archive #427
- validate all DSL class/define params #392
- Credential types #373
- Jenkins::Slave wget needs proxy configuration #248
- Update plugin if it already installed #11
- jenkins 2.x support #611 (jhoblitt)
- -- #573: Convert jenkins::slave::java_args to support both strings and arrays. #604 (madelaney)
- Escape +'s when grepping through jenkins plugin version numbers #599 (cliff-svt)
- -- #572: Converted the jenkins slave labels param to accept a string … #591 (madelaney)
- rubocop #552 (jhoblitt)
- allow master + swarm client to coexist on the same node #545 (jhoblitt)
- multiple jenkins_job type improvements #544 (jhoblitt)
- make jenkins_job type cloudbees-folder aware #540 (jhoblitt)
- add StringCredentialsImpl support to jenkins_credentials #531 (jhoblitt)
- bump swarm plugin/client versions to 2.0 #528 (jhoblitt)
- use puppet/archive for all file downloads #516 (jhoblitt)
- add rspec runtime profiling and .travis.yml linting #515 (jhoblitt)
- Adds Beaker docker testing to .travis.yml #503 (petems)
- Use Active Directory realm as type #495 (danielpalstra)
- Add support for prefix configuration in the CLI config class. #494 (danielpalstra)
- add ability to set java_args on slaves #485 (adamcstephens)
- An augeas helper define to deal with configs #480 (vStone)
- Add ensure=>file to pinning file #475 (alexjfisher)
- validate all class/define params #473 (jhoblitt)
- Support FileCredentialsImpl in jenkins_credentials native type #467 (matez)
- Allow the user to manage the localstatedir themselves. #407 (jniesen)
- Add manage_client_jar option #307 (bigon)
Fixed bugs:
- jenkins-slave don't stop correctly #557
- jenkins_job broken by org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowJob jobs #551
- Parameter jenkins::slave::ui_pass not enclosed in quotes. #542
- jenkins::slave should not depend on jenkins #533
- slow unit test causing travis failures #517
- jenkins:plugin can incorrectly believe a plugin is installed (when it isn't) #513
- jenkins::plugin ignores version changes #512
- swarm client installation broken by bad TLS certificate #507
- Jenkins::Slave/Exec[get_swarm_client] is not idempotent #505
- Experimental types do not have support for Puppet enterprise #498
- Bug when it tries puppet-jenkins tries to create a user #476
- plugins_dir and job_dir don't default correctly #474
- Core plugins won't upgrade #465
- Systemd causes puppet idempotency issues #447
- Error: Could not find a suitable provider for jenkins_authorization_strategy #434
- port parameter ignored #214
- jenkins::proxy host options need to be documented #108
- Fix tool_locations bash via doublequotes #614 (br0ch0n)
- travis performance and acceptance test reliability improvements #613 (jhoblitt)
- add 'proxy_server' param to jenkins::slave class #612 (jhoblitt)
- 5th parameter is server list for ActiveDirectory #564 (cdenneen)
- Fix path LOCK_FILE #562 (caiohasouza)
- test if job class responds to #isDisabled in job_list_json #554 (jhoblitt)
- attempt to determine the correct gem provider #530 (jhoblitt)
- Dependency correction when manage_slave_user is false #523 (james-powis)
- cleanup existing plugin archive if extension changes #519 (jhoblitt)
- Plugins from updatecenter performance fixes #518 (petems)
- fix plugin install logic matching #514 (jhoblitt)
- Revert the parts of 00a90d4d that make no sense (fixes #474) (2nd attempt) #483 (vStone)
- Fix for the jenkins.rb facter error #471 (jhoblitt)
- Updated for RedHat systemd systems to use redhat provider until PUP-5353 is fixed #470 (cdenneen)
Closed issues:
- Archive module doesn't have parameter source #620
- support jenkins 2.x #603
- jenkins::credentials is not working with credentials plugin > version 1.24 #601
- Forge release cycle #594
- Beaker tests failing, is it a plan to fix them ? #588
- Can't create jobs/creds/plugins after LDAP auth #581
- Facter 3.1 no longer has osfamily, operatingsystemrelease, operatingsystemmajrelease #571
- Dependency issues #563
- jenkins-cli puppet_helper not working with FullControlOnceLoggedInAuthorizationStrategy #561
- Installing plugins fails jenkins-bootstrap-start #558
- Sauce labs Credentials #538
- Credit #525
- update swarm plugin + client jar to 2.0 #522
- Remove 1.9.3 tests #509
- The homedir is different on CentOS7 #493
- The metadata.json does not contain java as dependency #492
- PR #467 broke puppet_cli_helper #477
- jenkins::plugin incorrectly assumes port 80 on puppet apply #457
- rtyler-jenkins fails to respect install_java => false #455
- How does one insert private key contents directly into private_key_or_path in jenkins::credentials? #452
- Module is missing the Jenkins configuation part #451
- "No checksum for this archive" when installing plugins #450
- Installation fail on Ubuntu Wily #449
- Plugins specified by version number are not updated #445
- Passing an array to jenkins::plugin #429
- Unable to persist firewall rules: Execution of '/usr/libexec/iptables/iptables.init save' returned 1: #424
- $jenkins::port does not properly manage listening port #416
- Using Plugin Hash Exec Test for plugin Fails #410
- jenkins::job::present issue #409
- Using Direct URL for plug-ins restarts jenkins with every puppet run #408
- Missleading documentation regarding HTTP_PORT #263
Merged pull requests:
- Update metadata.json for the 1.7.0 release #625 (rtyler)
- Pin the loose dependency (from hiera) on json_pure to something less than 2.0.2 #622 (rtyler)
- Use a up-to-date swarm client URL #621 (rtyler)
- attempt to debug travis beaker failures #615 (jhoblitt)
- rubocop update #607 (jhoblitt)
- fix rubocop conf path syntax warning #586 (jhoblitt)
- remove README reference to nanliu/staging #585 (jhoblitt)
- Updating documentation to reflect the modification of puppet-archive module #582 (zonArt)
- Kludge around jenkins 2.x landing in the 'latest' repos #576 (jhoblitt)
- use single quotes for ruby string literals #553 (jhoblitt)
- replace centos-7-docker fakesystemd with classic flavor #550 (jhoblitt)
- travis puppet versions #549 (jhoblitt)
- fix beaker acceptance tests on Ubuntu #548 (jhoblitt)
- simplify jenkins::slave ordering logic #547 (jhoblitt)
- skip pending beaker tests #546 (jhoblitt)
- minor puppet_helper.groovy cleanup #543 (jhoblitt)
- Improve spec speed #537 (petems)
- make centos-6-docker acceptance tests required #527 (jhoblitt)
- Add folder support to puppet_helper #496 (danielpalstra)
- enable install of cli_helper when jenkins::cli => true #488 (jhoblitt)
- autorequire cli_jar from all PX::J::Type::Cli based types #486 (jhoblitt)
- Revert "Support FileCredentialsImpl in jenkins_credentials native type" #478 (jhoblitt)
- Rtyler 417 cleanup cli helper #469 (jhoblitt)
- Clarify documention for cli_ssh_keyfile param. #446 (BobVincentatNCRdotcom)
- travis does not need the :system_tests group #438 (jhoblitt)
- Minor clean up of difftool patch #430 (rtyler)
- Suppress notice messages when using archive::download #428 (queeno)
- Add a simple rspec-puppet test to verify changing jenkins::plugin's timeout #421 (rtyler)
- Fix Plugin Download Timeout #419 (mooreandrew)
- Unify the ssh_keyfile #417 (chizou)
- Check if the retries gem is not already declared #411 (boyand)
- Undefine create_user in plugins #406 (jonbca)
- fix job_dir variable reference to jenkins class #400 (shieldwed)
v1.6.1 (2015-10-14)
Closed issues:
- Preparing a release for PuppetConf #384
(Kato release)
- #219 - Plugins are installed each time and restarting service
- #314 - Update jenkins-slave.RedHat init.d script work bash < 4.0
- #362 - Error on updating existing job
- #365 - jenkins user and jenkins_home directory not configurable
- #367 - [puppet-jenkins#366] Replace -toolLocations with --toolLocation
- #371 - slave: INFO: Failure authenticating with BASIC 'Jenkins' 401
- #372 - Slave: swarm-client requires a cashe directory /home/jenkins-slave/.jenkins/
- #374 - add single quotes for credentials
- #376 - Add template in the jenkins::job
- #377 - Making the management of the daemon package optional
- #378 - fix rspec-puppet
warning - #382 - (RFC) native types and providers
- #383 - fix acceptance test path prefix for jenkins-cli.jar
- #385 - WIP: completely rework the way imports work for the native types
- #386 - set_security() does not save jenkins state
- #387 - Avoid referring to class objects directly in the Groovy helper
- #388 - Fix relationship for pinned files
- #389 - remove seperate resources for handling plugin extension
- #390 - Adds Examples for various platforms for Jenkins
- #391 - use ensure_packages() to manage the daemon package
- #395 - Fix username quoting
- #396 - add user/group mgt. + localstatedir params to jenkins class
- #398 - client_url is hardcoded in slave.pp
- #399 - document types and providers puppetserver known issues
(Jennings release)
- #227 - Add parameter to set user uuid in jenkins::credentials define
- #288 - add source parameter to jenkins::plugin define
- #289 - set user on exec resources in jenkins::plugin define
- #290 - Support getting external .xml job descriptions
- #292 - Feature/puppet helper util
- #295 - Use jenkins::cli::exec in security.pp
- #296 - should be jenkins::cli::exec
- #297 - Add jenkins::users class to declare all users
- #298 - Maint/fix resource relationships
- #301 - Apt upgrade
- #302 - Package name no longer hardcoded
- #303 - Puppet helper slaveagentport
- #319 - Adding optional description to slave
- #320 - Forge Project URL link broken
- #323 - Upgraded apt module dependency to support v2
- #325 - add puppet ~> 3.8 & ~> 4.1 to travis matrix
- #326 - Fixed project_page in metadata.json
- #328 - Support configuring a yum proxy server
- #331 - Set retries in job configuration to global parameters
- #335 - Fix jenkins::plugin with create_user false
- #336 - Features/9618 stronger plugin verification
- #347 - Fix require paths
- #351 - add darwin/osx support to slave class
- #352 - Adding cli_ssh_keyfile parameter to specify the location of a private key
- #353 - Class cannot find exec in jenkins::cli::reload.
- #357 - CLI classes unaware of Jenkins' --prefix
- #358 - Added jenkins_prefix function to retrieve configured prefix
(Smithers release)
- #222 - Add retry to credentials execs
- #229 - Jenkins slave defaults bugfix
- #233 - fixes timeouts on restart
- #235 - Make creation of user optional
- #236 - Cleanup metadata.json for better mechanical score
- #237 - Update the README with a few puppet-lint things and puppet highlighting.
- #238 - Fix Bracket issue
- #239 - Refactor acceptance tests to use beaker-rspec
- #244 - Add instructions for acceptance tests
- #245 - Added support for the 'toolLocations' parameter.
- #256 - Direct package
- #260 - Feature/puppet helper num executors
- #261 - Escape job names for shell commands
- #262 - Change apt key to full fingerprint
- #264 - Broken link on page
- #266 - pin puppetlabs-apt fixtures version to 1.8.0
- #268 - Improvements on job import via cli
- #270 - remove rspec gem ~> 2.99.0 constraint
- #271 - fix rspec > 3 compatiblity
- #272 - use mainline puppetlabs_spec_helper gem
- #273 - update spec_helper_acceptance boiler plate
- #274 - remove puppet module versions constraints from beaker setup
- #275 - add .bundle to .gitignore
- #276 - add log/ to .gitignore
- #277 - add puppet 3.7.0 to travis matrix
- #278 - remove unnecessary whitespace from $jenkins::cli_helper::helper_cmd
- #279 - add metadata-json-lint to Gemfile & enable rake validate target
- #280 - change puppetlabs/stdlib version dep to >= 4.6.0
- #282 - Feature/puppet 4
- #285 - convert raw execs of puppet_helper.groovy to jenkins::cli::exec define
(Barnard release)
- #134 - Added in ability for user to redefine update center plugin URL
- #139 - document additional class params
- #169 - Allow build jobs to be configured and managed by puppet. Includes #163 a...
- #174 - setting configure_firewall true returns error, port is undefined
- #177 - switch to metadata.json
- #188 - Fix installation of core plugins
- #189 - Fix test.
- #191 - set default port for firewall
- #195 - Bump up swarm version to 1.17
- #198 - Relationship error when testing Jenkins::jobs
- #199 - missing include causes issuse #198
- #202 - Proxy work
- #203 - Fix typo in job/present.pp
- #204 - Fix for #174 allows setting $jenkins::port
- #206 - Refactor some of the firewall port configuration
- #207 - Introduce the jenkins_port function
(Nestor release)
- #117 - Add feature to disable SSL verification on Swarm clients
- #131 - Support updates for core jenkins modules
- #135 - cli option broken w/ jenkins 1.563 on ubuntu precise
- #137 - repos should be enabled if repo=true on RedHat
- #140 - Packaging Cruft in 1.1.0
- #144 - Update init.pp - correct plugins example syntax
- #149 - Do not ensure plugin_parent_dir to be a directory (#148)
- #150 - Add ensure parameter to jenkins::slave
- #151 - Unsupported OSFamily RedHat on node
- #152 - Jenkins-slave on Centos: killproc and checkpid commands not found
- #153 - Fixes to Jenkins slave init and class
- #154 - slave_mode doesn't apply on debian distros.
- #155 - Add defined check for plugin_parent_dir resource
- #157 - Add missing slave mode to Debian defaults file
- #160 - User and credentials creation, simple security management
- #166 - Error loading fact /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/jenkins.rb no such file to load -- json
- #171 - A bit of RedHat and Debian slave initd script merging
- #176 - no such file to load -- json
- #180 - Replace use of unzip with
for unpacking jenkins CLI - #182 - Include the apt module when installing an apt repository
- #183 - Rely on the
command instead ofunzip
to unpack the cli.jar - #185 - Allow setting the slave name, default to the fqdn at runtime
- #186 - Puppet Forge module
- #187 - Jenkins slave on RedHat - jenkins-slave.erb
(Duckworth release)
- #86, #122 - Add support for disabling SSL verification on slaves
- #116 - Add support
for setting the
option for slaves init
script for Debian-family slaves added- Initial code for a jpm based
provider merged
Bug fixes
- #107 - Private/internal classes made truly private
- #109 - Fix for dependency issue between repo and package installation.
fact refactored and RSpec tests added- #121 -
package installed to make Debian slave installs functional - #126 - Facter exception bug fixed
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
- puppetlabs/stdlib (>= 4.19.0 < 10.0.0)
- puppetlabs/apt (>= 9.2.0 < 11.0.0)
- puppetlabs/java (>= 1.0.1 < 12.0.0)
- puppet/zypprepo (>= 2.0.0 < 6.0.0)
- puppet/archive (>= 1.3.0 < 8.0.0)
- puppet/systemd (>= 3.1.0 < 9.0.0)
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. 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