
Module supervisord class and functions


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Version information

  • 0.6.1 (latest)
  • 0.6.0
  • 0.5.2
  • 0.5.1
  • 0.5.0
  • 0.4.2
  • 0.4.1
  • 0.4.0
  • 0.3.3
  • 0.3.2
  • 0.3.1
  • 0.3.0
  • 0.2.3
  • 0.2.2
  • 0.2.1
  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.0
released May 21st 2016
This version is compatible with:
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Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

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mod 'ajcrowe-supervisord', '0.6.1'
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bolt module add ajcrowe-supervisord
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install ajcrowe-supervisord --version 0.6.1

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ajcrowe/supervisord — version 0.6.1 May 21st 2016

Puppet Supervisord

Puppet Forge Build Status

Puppet module to manage the supervisord process control system.

Functions available to configure

Deprecation warning

To avoid conflict with puppet master's $environment variable, the environment parameter of supervisord::program resource is being renamed program_environment and old name will be removed in future version.



Configuring supervisord with defaults

Install supervisord with pip and install an init script if available

include ::supervisord

Install supervisord and pip

Install supervisord and install pip if not available.

class { 'supervisord':
  install_pip => true,

This will download setuptool and install pip with easy_install.

You can pass a specific url with $setuptools_url = 'url'

Install without pip

If you want to use your system package manager you can specify that with supervisord::package_provider.

You'll also likely need to adjust the supervisord::service_name to match that installed by the system package. If you're using Debian, Redhat or Suse OS families you'll also want to disable the init scripts with supervisord::install_init = false.

Custom Init Script

Only Debian, RedHat and Suse families have an init script included currently. But you can provide custom scripts like this:

class { 'supervisord':
  install_init         => true,
  init_script          => '/path/to/init_file',
  init_script_template => 'mymodule/template/init.erb',
  init_defaults        => false

HTTP servers

As of version 3.0a3, Supervisor provides an HTTP server that can listen on a Unix socket, an inet socket, or both. By default, this module enables the Unix socket HTTP server. supervisorctl issues commands to the HTTP server, and it must be configured to talk to either the Unix socket or the inet socket. If only one HTTP server is enabled, this module will configure supervisorctl to use that HTTP server. If both HTTP servers are enabled, the Unix socket HTTP server will be used by default. To use the inet socket instead, set ctl_socket to inet (its default is unix). modified

Configure the Unix HTTP server

The Unix HTTP server is enabled by default. Its parameters are:

class { 'supervisord':
  unix_socket       => true,
  run_path          => '/var/run',
  unix_socket_mode  => '0700',
  unix_socket_owner => 'nobody',
  unix_socket_group => 'nobody',
  unix_auth         => false,
  unix_username     => undef,
  unix_password     => undef,

This results in the following config sections:



Configure the Inet HTTP server

The Inet HTTP server is disabled by default. Its parameters are:

class { 'supervisord':
  unix_socket          => false,
  inet_server          => true,
  inet_server_hostname => '',
  inet_server_port     => '9001',
  inet_auth            => false,
  inet_username        => undef,
  inet_password        => undef,

This results in the following config sections:



Override sysconfig template

If supervisord::install_init is true (the default), then an init script will be installed, and that script will source the contents of the templates/init/${::osfamily}/defaults.erb file. If you want to override that template, you can set supervisord::init_template to the path of an alternative template:

class { 'supervisord':
  install_pip   => true,
  init_template => 'my/supervisord/${::osfamily}/defaults.erb'

You almost certainly want to copy and add to the original templates, as they contain important settings.

Configure a program

supervisord::program { 'myprogram':
  command             => 'command --args',
  priority            => '100',
  program_environment => {
    'HOME'   => '/home/myuser',
    'PATH'   => '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin',
    'SECRET' => 'mysecret'

You may also specify a variable for a hiera lookup to retreive your environment hash. This allows you to reuse existing environment variable hashes.

supervisord::program { 'myprogram':
  command  => 'command --args',
  priority => '100',
  env_var  => 'my_common_envs'

Or you can fully define your programs in hiera:

    command: 'command --args'
    autostart: yes
    autorestart: 'true'
      HOME: '/home/myuser'
      PATH: '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin'
      SECRET: 'mysecret'

Configure a group

supervisord::group { 'mygroup':
  priority => 100,
  programs => ['program1', 'program2', 'program3']

Configure a ctlplugin

supervisord::ctlplugin { 'laforge':
  ctl_factory => 'mr.laforge.controllerplugin:make_laforge_controllerplugin'

Configure an eventlistener

supervisord::eventlistener { 'mylistener':
  command  => 'command --args',
  priority => '100',
  env_var  => 'my_common_envs'

Configure an rpcinterface

supervisord::rpcinterface { 'laforge':
  rpcinterface_factory => 'mr.laforge.rpcinterface:make_laforge_rpcinterface'

Run supervisorctl Commands

Should you need to run a sequence of command with supervisorctl you can use the define type supervisord::supervisorctl

supervisord::supervisorctl { 'restart_myapp':
  command => 'restart',
  process => 'myapp'

You can also issue a command without specifying a process.


If you have suggestions or improvements please file an issue or pull request, i'll try and sort them as quickly as possble.

If you submit a pull please try and include tests for the new functionality/fix. The module is tested with Travis-CI.
