Version information
released Jun 27th 2013
This module has been deprecated by its author since Mar 25th 2019.
The reason given was: This module has now been deprecated in favour of the puppet/logrotate
The author has suggested puppet-logrotate as its replacement.
Start using this module
rodjek/logrotate — version 1.1.1 Jun 27th 2013
Logrotate module for Puppet
A more Puppety way of managing logrotate configs. Where possible, as many of the configuration options have remained the same with a couple of notable exceptions:
- Booleans are now used instead of the
pattern. e.g.copy
==copy => true
==copy => false
. create
and it's three optional arguments have been split into seperate parameters documented below.- Instead of 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly' or 'yearly', there is a
parameter (see documentation below).
The only thing you'll need to deal with, this type configures a logrotate rule. Using this type will automatically include a private class that will install and configure logrotate for you.
namevar - The String name of the rule.
path - The path String to the logfile(s) to be rotated.
ensure - The desired state of the logrotate rule as a String. Valid
values are 'absent' and 'present' (default: 'present').
compress - A Boolean value specifying whether the rotated logs should
be compressed (optional).
compresscmd - The command String that should be executed to compress the
rotated logs (optional).
compressext - The extention String to be appended to the rotated log files
after they have been compressed (optional).
compressoptions - A String of command line options to be passed to the
compression program specified in `compresscmd` (optional).
copy - A Boolean specifying whether logrotate should just take a
copy of the log file and not touch the original (optional).
copytruncate - A Boolean specifying whether logrotate should truncate the
original log file after taking a copy (optional).
create - A Boolean specifying whether logrotate should create a new
log file immediately after rotation (optional).
create_mode - An octal mode String logrotate should apply to the newly
created log file if create => true (optional).
create_owner - A username String that logrotate should set the owner of the
newly created log file to if create => true (optional).
create_group - A String group name that logrotate should apply to the newly
created log file if create => true (optional).
dateext - A Boolean specifying whether rotated log files should be
archived by adding a date extension rather just a number
dateformat - The format String to be used for `dateext` (optional).
Valid specifiers are '%Y', '%m', '%d' and '%s'.
delaycompress - A Boolean specifying whether compression of the rotated
log file should be delayed until the next logrotate run
extension - Log files with this extension String are allowed to keep it
after rotation (optional).
ifempty - A Boolean specifying whether the log file should be rotated
even if it is empty (optional).
mail - The email address String that logs that are about to be
rotated out of existence are emailed to (optional).
mailfirst - A Boolean that when used with `mail` has logrotate email the
just rotated file rather than the about to expire file
maillast - A Boolean that when used with `mail` has logrotate email the
about to expire file rather than the just rotated file
maxage - The Integer maximum number of days that a rotated log file
can stay on the system (optional).
minsize - The String minimum size a log file must be to be rotated,
but not before the scheduled rotation time (optional).
The default units are bytes, append k, M or G for kilobytes,
megabytes and gigabytes respectively.
missingok - A Boolean specifying whether logrotate should ignore missing
log files or issue an error (optional).
olddir - A String path to a directory that rotated logs should be
moved to (optional).
postrotate - A command String that should be executed by /bin/sh after
the log file is rotated (optional).
prerotate - A command String that should be executed by /bin/sh before
the log file is rotated and only if it will be rotated
firstaction - A command String that should be executed by /bin/sh once
before all log files that match the wildcard pattern are
rotated (optional).
lastaction - A command String that should be execute by /bin/sh once
after all the log files that match the wildcard pattern are
rotated (optional).
rotate - The Integer number of rotated log files to keep on disk
rotate_every - How often the log files should be rotated as a String.
Valid values are 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month' and 'year'
(optional). Please note, older versions of logrotate do not
support yearly log rotation.
size - The String size a log file has to reach before it will be
rotated (optional). The default units are bytes, append k,
M or G for kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes respectively.
sharedscripts - A Boolean specifying whether logrotate should run the
postrotate and prerotate scripts for each matching file or
just once (optional).
shred - A Boolean specifying whether logs should be deleted with
shred instead of unlink (optional).
shredcycles - The Integer number of times shred should overwrite log files
before unlinking them (optional).
start - The Integer number to be used as the base for the extensions
appended to the rotated log files (optional).
uncompresscmd - The String command to be used to uncompress log files
Further details about these options can be found by reading man 8 logrotate
logrotate::rule { 'messages':
path => '/var/log/messages',
rotate => 5,
rotate_every => 'week',
postrotate => '/usr/bin/killall -HUP syslogd',
logrotate::rule { 'apache':
path => '/var/log/httpd/*.log',
rotate => 5,
mail => '',
size => '100k',
sharedscripts => true,
postrotate => '/etc/init.d/httpd restart',
Copyright (c) 2012 Tim Sharpe Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.