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Spamassassin Module


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Version information

  • 1.1.1 (latest)
  • 1.1.0
  • 1.0.0
  • 0.1.0
released Jun 6th 2018
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2023.8.x, 2023.7.x, 2023.6.x, 2023.5.x, 2023.4.x, 2023.3.x, 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x, 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x, 2019.0.x, 2018.1.x, 2017.3.x, 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
  • Puppet >=3.x
  • ,

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'wyrie-spamassassin', '1.1.1'
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Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add wyrie-spamassassin
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install wyrie-spamassassin --version 1.1.1

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



wyrie/spamassassin — version 1.1.1 Jun 6th 2018


Build Status

####Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with spamassassin
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module installs, configures and manages spamassassin either as a service (through spamd) or for use with applications like amavisd.

##Module Description

Spamassassin has a huge array of configuration directives, this module tries to give the user access to as many of them as possible. There are a lot of class parameters and most of them have a brief description of it's function in the header of the class file. For more information see:


###What spamassassin affects

  • spamassassin package.
  • spamassassin configuration files:,,, and (optional).
  • spamassassin service (optional).
  • optional packages: razor, pyzor and dkim.

###Setup Requirements

On Redhat systems, if you enable razor and/or pyzor, the packages need to come from EPEL, which is not managed by this module. See

The installation of the DCC plugin, if enabled, needs to be handled elsewhere.

###Beginning with spamassassin

Minimal usage for spamd

class { 'spamassassin':
  sa_update       => true,
  service_enabled => true,

Use with amavis

class { 'spamassassin':
  sa-update         => true,
  run_execs_as_user => 'amavis',
  service_enabled   => false,
  bayes_path        => '/var/lib/amavis/bayes'
  razor_home        => '/var/lib/amavis/.razor',
  pyzor_home        => '/var/lib/amavis/.pyzor',


###Override the default score values.

class { 'spamassassin':
  score_tests => {
    'BAYES_00'           => '-1.9',
    'HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_28' => '1.40',

###Whitelist or blacklist some addresses

class { 'spamassassin':
  whitelist_from => ['*', '*'],
  whitelist_from_rcvd => ['*'],
  whitelist_to   => ['',''],
  blacklist_from => ['*','*'],
  blacklist_to   => ['', ''],

###SQL based options

class { 'spamassassin':
  bayes_sql_enabled            => true,
  bayes_sql_dsn                => 'DBI:mysql:spamassassin:localhost:3306',
  bayes_sql_username           => 'sqluser',
  bayes_sql_password           => 'somesecret',
  bayes_sql_override_username  => 'amavis',
  user_scores_dsn              => 'DBI:mysql:spamassassin:localhost:3306',
  user_scores_sql_username     => 'sqluser',
  user_scores_sql_password     => 'somesecret',
  awl_enabled                  => true,
  awl_sql_enabled              => true,
  awl_dsn                      => 'DBI:mysql:spamassassin',
  awl_sql_username             => 'sqluser',
  awl_sql_password             => 'somesecret',

###Misc options

class { 'spamassassin':
  rewrite_header_subject             => '***SPAM***',
  report_safe                        => 2,
  trusted_networks                   => [''],
  skip_rbl_checks                    => false,
  dns_available                      => 'test',
  bayes_ignore_header                => ['X-Spam-Flag','X-Spam-Status'],
  spamcop_enabled                    => true,
  spamcop_from_address               => '',
  spamcop_max_report_size            => 100,
  awl_enabled                        => true,
  shortcircuit_enabled               => true,
  shortcircuit_user_in_whitelist     => 'on',
  shortcircuit_user_in_def_whitelist => 'on',
  shortcircuit_user_in_blacklist     => 'on',
  dkim_timeout                       => 10,
  razor_timeout                      => 10,
  pyzor_timeout                      => 10,



####Public Classes

  • spamassassin: Main class, includes all other classes.

####Private Classes

  • spamassassin::params: Default values.


The following parameters are available in the spamassassin module:

####sa_update Boolean. Enable the sa-update cron job. Default: false

####run_execs_as_user If you enabled razor and/or pyzor and would like the razor-admin or pyzor discover commands to be run as a different user specify the username in this directive. Example: amavis. Default: undef

####service_enable Boolean. Will enable service at boot and ensure a running service.

####spamd_max_children This option specifies the maximum number of children to spawn. Spamd will spawn that number of children, then sleep in the background until a child dies, wherein it will go and spawn a new child.

####spamd_min_children The minimum number of children that will be kept running The minimum value is 1, the default value is 1 in spamd, and undef here. If you have lots of free RAM, you may want to increase this.

####spamd_listen_address Tells spamd to listen on the specified IP address (defaults to Use listen on all interfaces. You can also use a valid hostname which will make spamd listen on the first address that name resolves to.

####spamd_allowed_ips Specify a list of authorized hosts or networks which can connect to this spamd instance. Single IP addresses, CIDR format networks, or ranges of IP addresses by listing 3 or less octets with a trailing dot. Hostnames are not supported, only IP addresses. This option can be specified multiple times, or can take a list of addresses separated by commas.

####spamd_username spamd runs as this user

####spamd_groupname spamd runs in this group

####spamd_nouserconfig Turn off (on) reading of per-user configuration files (user_prefs) from the user's home directory. The default behaviour is to read per-user configuration from the user's home directory (--user-config).

####spamd_allowtell Allow learning and forgetting (to a local Bayes database), reporting and revoking (to a remote database) by spamd. The client issues a TELL command to tell what type of message is being processed and whether local (learn/forget) or remote (report/revoke) databases should be updated.

####spamd_sql_config Turn on SQL lookups even when per-user config files have been disabled with -x this is useful for spamd hosts which don’t have user’s home directories but do want to load user preferences from an SQL database.

####required_score Set the score required before a mail is considered spam. n.nn can be an integer or a real number.

####score_tests Assign scores (the number of points for a hit) to a given test. Scores can be positive or negative real numbers or integers.

####whitelist_from Used to whitelist sender addresses which send mail that is often tagged (incorrectly) as spam. This would be written to the global file

####whitelist_from_rcvd Used to whitelist the combination of a sender address and rDNS name/IP. This would be written to the global file

####whitelist_to If the given address appears as a recipient in the message headers (Resent-To, To, Cc, obvious envelope recipient, etc.) the mail will be whitelisted.

####blacklist_from Used to specify addresses which send mail that is often tagged (incorrectly) as non-spam, but which the user doesn't want.

####blacklist_to If the given address appears as a recipient in the message headers (Resent-To, To, Cc, obvious envelope recipient, etc.) the mail will be blacklisted.

####rewrite_header_subject By default, suspected spam messages will not have the Subject, From or To lines tagged to indicate spam. By setting this option, the header will be tagged with the value of the parameter to indicate that a message is spam.

####rewrite_header_from See rewrite_header_subject.

####rewrite_header_to See rewrite_header_subject.

####report_safe Values: 0,1 or 2. See: Default: 0

####clear_trusted_networks Boolean. Empty the list of trusted networks. Default: false

####trusted_networks What networks or hosts are 'trusted' in your setup. Trusted in this case means that relay hosts on these networks are considered to not be potentially operated by spammers, open relays, or open proxies.

####clear_internal_networks Boolean. Empty the list of internal networks. Default: false

####internal_networks Internal means that relay hosts on these networks are considered to be MXes for your domain(s), or internal relays.

####skip_rbl_checks Boolean. If false SpamAssassin will run RBL checks. Default: true

####dns_available If set to 'test', SpamAssassin will query some default hosts on the internet to attempt to check if DNS is working or not. Default: yes

####bayes_enabled Boolean. Whether to use the naive-Bayesian-style classifier built into SpamAssassin. Default: true

####bayes_use_hapaxes Boolean. Should the Bayesian classifier use hapaxes (words/tokens that occur only once) when classifying? This produces significantly better hit-rates, but increases database size by about a factor of 8 to 10. Default: true

####bayes_auto_learn Boolean. Whether SpamAssassin should automatically feed high-scoring mails into its learning systems. Default: true

####bayes_ignore_header See

####bayes_auto_expire Boolean. If enabled, the Bayes system will try to automatically expire old tokens from the database. Default: true

####bayes_sql_enabled Boolean. If true will set bayes_store_module to use sql and will write the sql dsn, and other directives, to Default: false

####bayes_sql_dsn This parameter gives the connect string used to connect to the SQL based Bayes storage. By default will use the mysql driver and a database called spamassassin. Please note the module does not manage any database settings or the creation of the schema.

####bayes_sql_username The sql username used for the dsn provided above.

####bayes_sql_password The sql password used for the dsn provided above.

####bayes_sql_override_username If this options is set the BayesStore::SQL module will override the set username with the value given. This could be useful for implementing global or group bayes databases.

####bayes_path This is the directory and filename for Bayes databases. Please note this parameter is not used if bayes_sql_enabled is true.

####user_scores_dsn The perl DBI DSN string used to specify the SQL server holding user config example: 'DBI:mysql:dbname:hostname

####user_scores_sql_username The SQL username to connect to the above server

####user_scores_sql_password The SQL password for the above user

####user_scores_sql_custom_query Custom SQL query to use for spamd user_prefs.

####dcc_enabled Boolean. Enable/disable the DCC plugin. Default: false

####dcc_timeout How many seconds you wait for DCC to complete, before scanning continues without the DCC results. Default: 8

####dcc_body_max This option sets how often a message's body/fuz1/fuz2 checksum must have been reported to the DCC server before SpamAssassin will consider the DCC check as matched. As nearly all DCC clients are auto-reporting these checksums, you should set this to a relatively high value, e.g. 999999 (this is DCC's MANY count). Default: 999999

####dcc_fuz1_max See dcc_body_max. Default: 999999

####dcc_fuz2_max See dcc_body_max. Default: 999999

####pyzor_enabled Boolean. Enable/disable the Pyzor plugin. Default: true

####pyzor_timeout How many seconds you wait for Pyzor to complete, before scanning continues without the Pyzor results. Default: 3.5

####pyzor_max This option sets how often a message's body checksum must have been reported to the Pyzor server before SpamAssassin will consider the Pyzor check as matched. Default: 5

####pyzor_options Specify additional options to the pyzor command. Please note that only characters in the range [0-9A-Za-z ,._/-] are allowed for security reasons. Please note that the module will automatically add the homedir options as part of the configuration.

####pyzor_path This option tells SpamAssassin specifically where to find the pyzor client instead of relying on SpamAssassin to find it in the current PATH.

####pyzor_home Define the homedir for pyzor. Default is to use the [global config dir]/.pyzor

####razor_enabled Boolean. Enable/disable the Pyzor plugin. Default: true

####razor_timeout How many seconds you wait for Razor to complete before you go on without the results. Default: 5

####razor_home Define the homedir for razor. Please note that if you set a custom path the module will automatically use the directory in which you store your razor config as the home directory for the module. Default is to use the [global config dir]/.razor

####spamcop_enabled Boolean. Enable/disable the Pyzor plugin. Default: false

####spamcop_from_address This address is used during manual reports to SpamCop as the From: address. You can use your normal email address. If this is not set, a guess will be used as the From: address in SpamCop reports.

####spamcop_to_address Your customized SpamCop report submission address. You need to obtain this address by registering at If this is not set, SpamCop reports will go to a generic reporting address for SpamAssassin users and your reports will probably have less weight in the SpamCop system.

####spamcop_max_report_size Messages larger than this size (in kilobytes) will be truncated in report messages sent to SpamCop. The default setting is the maximum size that SpamCop will accept at the time of release. Default: 50

####awl_enabled Boolean. Enable/disable the Auto-Whitelist plugin. Default: false

####awl_sql_enabled Boolean. If true will set auto_whitelist_factory to use sql and will write the sql dsn, and other directives, to Default: false

####awl_dsn This parameter gives the connect string used to connect to the SQL based storage. By default will use the mysql driver and a database called spamassassin. Please note the module does not manage any database settings or the creation of the schema.

####awl_sql_username The sql username used for the dsn provided above.

####awl_sql_password The sql password used for the dsn provided above.

####awl_sql_override_username Used by the SQLBasedAddrList storage implementation. If this option is set the SQLBasedAddrList module will override the set username with the value given. This can be useful for implementing global or group based auto-whitelist databases.

####auto_whitelist_path This is the automatic-whitelist directory and filename. Default: ~/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist

####auto_whitelist_file_mode The file mode bits used for the automatic-whitelist directory or file. Default: 0600

####shortcircuit_enabled Boolean. Enable/disable the Shortcircuit plugin. Default: false

####shortcircuit_user_in_whitelist Values: ham, spam, on or off.

####shortcircuit_user_in_def_whitelist Values: ham, spam, on or off.

####shortcircuit_user_in_all_spam_to Values: ham, spam, on or off.

####shortcircuit_subject_in_whitelist Values: ham, spam, on or off.

####shortcircuit_user_in_blacklist Values: ham, spam, on or off.

####shortcircuit_user_in_blacklist_to Values: ham, spam, on or off.

####shortcircuit_subject_in_blacklist Values: ham, spam, on or off.

####shortcircuit_all_trusted Values: ham, spam, on or off.

####dkim_enabled Boolean. Enable/disable the DKIM plugin. Default: true

####dkim_timeout How many seconds to wait for a DKIM query to complete, before scanning continues without the DKIM result. Default: 5

####rules2xsbody_enabled Boolean. Enable the Rule2XSBody plugin. Compile ruleset to native code with sa-compile. Requires re2c and gcc packages (not managed in this module)


This module has been built on and tested against Puppet 3.3.2 and higher.

The module has been tested on:

  • CentOS 6
  • Debian 7


  1. Fork puppet-spamassassin
  2. Create a topic branch against the develop branch git checkout develop; git checkout -b my_branch
  3. Make sure you have added tests for your changes. Tests are written with rspec-puppet.
  4. Run all the tests to assure nothing else was accidentally broken. To run all tests: rake spec
  5. Push to your branch git push origin my_branch
  6. Create a Pull Request from your branch against the develop branch.


The list of contributors can be found at: