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Puppet module to install and configure Pulp (and nothing else)


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Version information

  • 0.1.2 (latest)
  • 0.1.1
  • 0.1.0
released Sep 26th 2017
This version is compatible with:

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'walkamongus-pulp', '0.1.2'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add walkamongus-pulp
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install walkamongus-pulp --version 0.1.2

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



walkamongus/pulp — version 0.1.2 Sep 26th 2017

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with pulp
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how


This module installs and configures the Pulp repository management software.

Module Description

This module specifically limits itself to the Pulp software and does not try to manage any other components that make up a Pulp server. This is to provide maximum flexibility and minimal scope.

It should be combined with web server, messaging transport, and database module to configure a working Pulp server.


What pulp affects

  • Packages
    • pulp-server
    • pulp-selinux
    • python-pulp-streamer
    • python-gofer-(qpid|amqp)
    • pulp-*-plugins packages
    • pulp-admin-client
    • pulp-*-admin-extensions packages
    • pulp-puppet-tools
    • python-pulp-puppet-common
  • Files
    • /etc/pulp/admin/admin.conf
    • /etc/pulp/admin/conf.d/puppet.conf
    • /etc/pki/pulp/rsa.key
    • /etc/pulp/repo_auth.conf
    • /etc/pulp/server/plugins.conf.d/ files
    • /etc/sysconfig/pulp_workers
  • Services
    • pulp_celerybeat
    • pulp_resource_manager
    • pulp_workers
    • pulp_streamer
  • Execs
    • pulp-gen-key-pair
    • pulp-gen-ca-certificate
    • pulp-manage-db
    • reloading systemctl daemon

Beginning with pulp

You will need a working MongoDB database and your webserver user present before declaring the Pulp module. By default the module will attempt to connect to a database at the default location with the default credentials and run the pulp-manage-db command as the webserver user for database migrations.

class { '::pulp': }

The pulp-manage-db command can be disabled:

class { '::pulp':
  exec_pulp_manage_db => false,


Install Pulp 2.14 with the RPM plugin enabled, repo managed, OAuth disabled, and webserver user/group management disabled:

  class { '::pulp':
    version                 => '2.14',
    server_default_login    => test,
    server_default_password => testpass,
    oauth_enabled           => false,
    enable_plugins          => ['rpm'],
    manage_http_user        => false,
    manage_http_group       => false,
    manage_repo             => true,



All defaults can be found in the data directory files.

  • version: Version of Pulp to install and configure.
  • pulp_packages_ensure: Ensure value for the Pulp packages.
  • gofer_package_ensure: Ensure value for the gofer packages.
  • enable_plugins: Array of Pulp plugins to enable.
  • http_user: User the webserver runs under.
  • manage_http_user: Enable/disable management of the webserver user.
  • http_group: Group the webserver runs under.
  • manage_http_group: Enable/disable management of the webserver group.
  • exec_pulp_manage_db: Enable/Disable execution of the pulp-manage-db command.
  • manage_repo: Enable/disable management of the Pulp repo.
  • repo_proxy: Proxy used for connecting to the Pulp repo.
  • proxy_host: Proxy host for plugin configuration.
  • proxy_port: Proxy port for plugin configuration.
  • proxy_username: Proxy username for plugin configuration.
  • proxy_password: Proxy password for plugin configuration.
  • number_workers: Number of workers to set in /etc/sysconfig/pulp_workers.
  • max_tasks_per_child: Max tasks per child to set in /etc/sysconfig/pulp_workers.

Settings from repo_auth.conf


  • repo_auth
  • repo_auth_repo_url_prefixes
  • repo_auth_verify_ssl
  • repo_auth_disabled_authenticators
  • repo_auth_cert_location
  • repo_auth_global_cert_location
  • repo_auth_protected_repo_listing_file
  • repo_auth_crl_location

Settings from server.conf


Database section
  • database_name
  • database_seeds
  • database_username
  • database_password
  • database_replica_set
  • database_ssl
  • database_ssl_keyfile
  • database_ssl_certfile
  • database_verify_ssl
  • database_ca_path
  • database_unsafe_autoretry
  • database_write_concern
Server section
  • server_server_name
  • server_key_url
  • server_ks_url
  • server_default_login
  • server_default_password
  • server_debugging_mode
  • server_log_level
  • server_working_directory
Authentication section
  • authentication_rsa_key
  • authentication_rsa_pub
Security section
  • security_cacert
  • security_cakey
  • security_ssl_ca_certificate
  • security_user_cert_expiration
  • security_consumer_cert_expiration
  • security_serial_number_path
Consumer History section
  • consumer_history_lifetime
Data Reaping section
  • data_reaping_reaper_interval
  • data_reaping_archived_calls
  • data_reaping_consumer_history
  • data_reaping_repo_sync_history
  • data_reaping_repo_publish_history
  • data_reaping_repo_group_publish_history
  • data_reaping_task_status_history
  • data_reaping_task_result_history
LDAP section
  • ldap_enabled
  • ldap_uri
  • ldap_base
  • ldap_tls
  • ldap_default_role
  • ldap_filter
OAuth section
  • oauth_enabled
  • oauth_oauth_key
  • oauth_oauth_secret
Messaging section
  • messaging_url
  • messaging_transport
  • messaging_auth_enabled
  • messaging_cacert
  • messaging_clientcert
  • messaging_topic_exchange
  • messaging_event_notifications_enabled
  • messaging_event_notification_url
Tasks section
  • tasks_broker_url
  • tasks_celery_require_ssl
  • tasks_cacert
  • tasks_keyfile
  • tasks_certfile
  • tasks_login_method
Email section
  • email_enabled
  • email_host
  • email_port
  • email_from
Lazy Redirect section
  • lazy_redirect_host
  • lazy_redirect_port
  • lazy_redirect_path
  • lazy_https_retrieval
  • lazy_download_interval
  • lazy_download_concurrency
Profiling section
  • profiling_enabled
  • profiling_directory