
Install Bolt on a PE compiler


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Version information

  • 1.0.1 (latest)
  • 1.0.0
released Feb 1st 2023
This version is compatible with:
  • Puppet Enterprise 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x, 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x, 2019.0.x
  • Puppet >= 6.0.0 < 8.0.0
  • , , , ,
  • status

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'puppetlabs-puppet_bolt_server', '1.0.1'
Learn more about managing modules with a Puppetfile

Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add puppetlabs-puppet_bolt_server
Learn more about using this module with an existing project

Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install puppetlabs-puppet_bolt_server --version 1.0.1

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



puppetlabs/puppet_bolt_server — version 1.0.1 Feb 1st 2023


This module installs and configures Bolt to use a local PuppetDB and the Puppet Communications Protocol (PCP) transport.

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Dependencies
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
  5. Limitations


This module aims to configure a dedicated Puppet Enterprise (PE) compiler to become a Bolt server. The intention is to offload plan execution from Orchestrator on the Primary server to Bolt on the Bolt server. A compiler is ideal because it already has access to PE, Code Manager, and its local PuppetDB.

What puppet_bolt_server affects

The puppet_bolt_server module performs these activities:

  • Install Bolt on the node.
  • Create the /root/.puppetlabs/etc/bolt/bolt-defaults.yaml file with custom configuration to:
    • Use the PCP transport.
    • Use the local PuppetDB for queries.
    • Consume a Puppet token.


  1. apply_helpers

    • The puppet_bolt_server depends on the apply_helpers module, it will install helper tasks that are used by the apply() function in Bolt.

    To install it, make sure to add it to the Puppetfile in your control-repo

    mod 'puppetlabs-apply_helpers', '0.3.0'

    Note: you only need to install this module if you want to use apply() in your plans.

  2. taskplan

    We recommend installing the taskplan module. The taskplan module allows you to run a task that uses Bolt to run a plan.

    You can also create a task yourself or use any task that can run a bolt plan on the bolt server.


Quickstart: Use the PE console to configure the puppet_bolt_server in your existing PE server.

  1. Add the puppetlabs-puppet_bolt_server to your control repo.

  2. Add a new node group in the PE console:

      Parent name: PE Infrastructure
      Group name: Bolt Server
      Environment: production
  3. Add the puppet_bolt_server class to your Bolt Server node group.

  4. On the Rules tab, add the dedicated compiler (for running Bolt) to the group. This compiler must not be in the compiler pool for catalog compilation.

  5. On the Configuration data tab, add your puppet token (sensitive string).

     Class: puppet_bolt_server
     Parameter: puppet_token
     Value: '<PUPPET_TOKEN>'
    • We recommend creating a service user inside PE RBAC and choosing an appropriate lifetime for its token.
    • Use this command to generate a token with a one-year lifetime: puppet access login --lifetime 1y
  6. Commit your changes.

  7. Run Puppet on the Bolt Server node group.


After completing the installation steps, your Bolt server should have these files:

  • /root/.puppetlabs/etc/bolt/bolt-defaults.yaml
  • /root/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt-project.yaml
  • /root/.puppetlabs/token

To test that everything is configured properly, you can run any Bolt plan that runs a PuppetDB query, such as this test plan:

# /root/Projects/local_plan/plans/test.pp

plan local_plan::test(
  $query_results = puppetdb_query("nodes[]{}")
  out::message("Hello world from the Bolt Server, query results: ${query_results}")

Run the test plan with:

bolt plan run local_plan::test

You should get the PuppetDB query results in the terminal. If you inspect the puppetdb-access.log, you should find a log with a call to the local PuppetDB returning a 200 OK HTTP status. For example:

$ less /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetdb/puppetdb-access.log - - [01/Nov/2022:15:56:21 +0000] "POST /pdb/query/v4 HTTP/1.1" 200 1793 "-" "HTTPClient/1.0 (2.8.3, ruby 2.7.6 (2022-04-12))" 99 21 -


By default, this module will create the log file under /var/log/puppetlabs/bolt-server/bolt-server.log.

The log level is set to 'info' by default. For more information, please read the Bolt logs doc here

To change the log level you can go to the Bolt Server's node group, in the Classes tab add the bolt_log_level parameter as shown in the screenshot above, commit your changes and run Puppet on the node group.


Run a plan on the Bolt server

This is an overview of the internal process when you offload plan execution from your PE primary server to a Bolt server. Please note that we recommend using taskplan but it can also be a different task that starts a Bolt plan:

  1. Someone requests Orchestrator to run the taskplan task on the Bolt server.
  2. The taskplan task runs on the Bolt server.
  3. The task starts Bolt with the bolt plan run command.
  4. Bolt starts and runs the plan


Example 1

This example uses puppet task run to run the taskplan task on the Bolt server.

Required parameters:

  • Choose one of your existing, basic plans or create one that receives a parameter (such as message).
  • Use your Bolt server's certname.

From the PE primary server CLI, run:

puppet task run taskplan --params '{"plan":"<PLAN_NAME>", "params":{"message": "Hello world!"}, "debug":true}' -n <BOLT_SERVER_CERTNAME>

This triggers a taskplan task run, and the task runs the plan on the Bolt server according to the specified parameters.

This offloads plan execution from Orchestrator to a dedicated Bolt server, which alleviates CPU and memory load on the primary server.

Example 2

This example uses the Orchestrator API to trigger a task run. You can do this from any system connected to your PE primary server (over port 8143) and that has a Puppet RBAC token.

Prepare a JSON body to run taskplan task, targetting the Bolt server. For example:

# test_params.json

  "environment" : "production",
  "task" : "taskplan",
  "params" : {
    "plan" : "<PLAN_NAME>",
    "params" : { "message": "Hello world!" },
    "debug" : true
  "scope" : {
    "nodes" : ["<BOLT_SERVER_CERTNAME"]

Make sure to change the params.plan, params.params, and the scope.nodes according to your own test plan.

Use curl to trigger the Ochrestrator API and run the task:

auth_header="X-Authentication: $(puppet-access show)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):8143/orchestrator/v1/command/task"

curl -d "@test_params.json" --insecure --header "$auth_header" "$uri"


  • puppet_bolt_server is tested only on RHEL 7 and 8 based systems.
  • Requires Puppet >= 6.21.0 <= 7.20.0
  • This module only supports running plans from the Production environment.
  • Warning: There is no rate limit to run plans, and you need to pay attention to the VM specification since the available memory is directly related to how many concurrent plans you can run.


Based on the results of the load test, we know that each additional (concurrent) 50 plans require about 4 GiB to run successfully. As explained in the limitations section, in this early version puppet_bolt_server there are no limits on memory consumption, the bolt processes will continue to use more and more memory until the system becomes completely unresponsive. In our tests, we used 24 GiB of RAM but we noticed the thin margin of memory left during the test, this is dangerous since we could run out of memory.

These are the machine specs of our servers:

  • 24 GiB RAM
  • CPU Intel Broadwell x86/64, 6 cores

Our recommendation is to run a maximum of 200 concurrent plans, allocating 28 GiB RAM for it, this will give a bit of room in case of unexpected spikes of plans beyond 200.

For education purposes here are two charts that show how the Bolt server will behave in the scenario of running 200 concurrent plans:

