Version information
This version is compatible with:
- Puppet Enterprise 2025.1.x, 2023.8.x, 2023.7.x, 2023.6.x, 2023.5.x, 2023.4.x, 2023.3.x, 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x
- Puppet >= 7.0.0 < 9.0.0
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Start using this module
Add this module to your Puppetfile:
mod 'simp-svckill', '3.11.0'
Learn more about managing modules with a PuppetfileDocumentation
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Module Description - A Puppet module for managing svckill
- Setup - The basics of getting started with pupmod-simp-svckill
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
This is a SIMP module
This module is a component of the System Integrity Management Platform, a compliance-management framework built on Puppet.
If you find any issues, they can be submitted to our JIRA.
Please read our Contribution Guide.
This module is optimally designed for use within a larger SIMP ecosystem, but it can be used independently:
- When included within the SIMP ecosystem, security compliance settings will be managed from the Puppet server.
- In the future, all SIMP-managed security subsystems will be disabled by default and must be explicitly opted into by administrators. Please review simp/simp_options for details.
Module Description
Svckill is a system that attempts to run with the security best practice that "No unnecessary services should be running on the system."
The way svckill works is to fetch all services on the running system and then shutdown and disable any that are not declared in a Puppet manifest (or ignore list/file) somewhere.
What simp svckill affects
simp/svckill effects ALL services on a given node. If this class is included on a node, all services not declared in a puppet service resource or a svckill ignore list will be disabled and turned off on a system. The following are exceptions:
A default list of services to ignore is kept in the module's hiera data for
the parameter svckill::ignore_defaults. This default list is split over
several hiera files, grouped as services that are common, services that
are os family related and services that are version related. The arrays
are merged and sorted uniquely during catalog compilation.
These services will not be killed unless they are removed using the knock out
prefix in the svckill::ignore parameter.
The following is an example of a hiera entry that will remove a service on
the svckill::ignore_defaults list and allow svckill to kill this service:
- '--sshd'
Beginning with svckill
You can set up svckill on a node by:
include 'svckill'
I have a service I don't want puppet to kill on a single node
There are two ways to solve this problem:
Declare the service in puppet:
service { 'myservice':
ensure => running,
or Declare the service in an ignore list in svckill:
svckill::ignore { 'myservice': }
I want to ignore a list of services I deploy in a file
svckill { 'ourservices':
ignorefiles => '/opt/services',
I want to set a list of services allowed in my entire infrascture
class { 'svckill':
ignore => ['A',
I don't want to kill a service, but I'd like to be alerted when it is running
class { 'svckill':
ignore => 'A',
mode => 'warning',
Please refer to the
SIMP Puppet modules are generally intended for use on Red Hat Enterprise
Linux and compatible distributions, such as CentOS. Please see the
file for the most up-to-date list of
supported operating systems, Puppet versions, and module dependencies.
Please read our Contribution Guide.
Visit the project homepage on GitHub, and look at our issues on JIRA.
Table of Contents
: Svckill is a system that attempts to run with the security best practice that "No unnecessary services should be running on the system." Thesvckill::ignore::collector
: Build the default ignore file used by thesvckill::ignore
Defined types
: Ensure that service$name
will not be killed by svckill
Resource types
: Disables all services (recognized by the 'service' resource) that are not defined in your Puppet manifests or listed. Any services listed in
Svckill is a system that attempts to run with the security best practice that "No unnecessary services should be running on the system."
The way svckill works is to fetch all services on the running system and then shutdown and disable any that are not declared in a Puppet manifest (or ignore list/file) somewhere.
By default, the services defined in hiera by svckill::ignore_defaults will never be killed by svckill.
You may override the default ignore list in hiera, with the use of a knockout prefix '--'. For example, to remove sshd from the default whitelist:
- '--sshd'
The following parameters are available in the svckill
Data type: Boolean
Enable svckill on the system
Default value: true
Data type: Array[String]
A list of services to never kill
Default value: []
Data type: Array[String]
An internal list of embedded services to never kill
Default value: []
Data type: Array[Stdlib::Absolutepath]
A list of files that contain services to never kill, one per line
- You can add your own files here if you wish to use an alternate ignore list
- The file specified in
will always be used but is fully managed by puppet
Default value: []
Data type: Enum['enforcing','warning']
The strategy svckill should use when it encounters undeclared services.
If set to
, will actually shut down and disable all services not listed in your manifests or the exclusion file. -
If set to
, will only report on what would happen without actually making the changes to the system. attempted to kill
Default value: 'warning'
Data type: Boolean
Report on exactly what svckill
attempted to kill
- If
, it will only report on the number of services that it attempted to kill
Default value: true
Build the default ignore file used by the svckill::ignore
The following parameters are available in the svckill::ignore::collector
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
The path to the ignore file
Default value: '/usr/local/etc/svckill.ignore'
Defined types
Ensure that service $name
will not be killed by svckill
The following parameters are available in the svckill::ignore
defined type:
Data type: String
The name of the service to prevent being killed
Resource types
Disables all services (recognized by the 'service' resource) that are not defined in your Puppet manifests or listed.
Any services listed in the $ignorefiles array will be ignored for legacy compatibility.
See the module data to determine what services are ignored by default.
The following properties are available in the svckill
If set to 'enforcing', will actually shut down and disable all services not listed in your manifests or the exclusion file.
If set to 'warning', will only report on what would happen without actually making the changes to the system.
Default: 'warning'
Default value: warning
The following parameters are available in the svckill
An array of services to never kill. Can also accept a regex.
An array of files containing a list of services to ignore, one per line. Can also accept regexes in the file.
Default value: /usr/local/etc/svckill.ignore
A static name assigned to this type. You can only declare this type of resource once in your node scope.
Default value: svckill
The specific backend to use for this svckill
resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
discover the appropriate provider for your platform.
Valid values: true
, false
If set, output all services that were affected by svckill.
Default value: true
- Mon Oct 23 2023 Steven Pritchard - 3.11.0
- Add EL9 support
- Wed Oct 11 2023 Steven Pritchard - 3.10.0
- [puppetsync] Updates for Puppet 8
- These updates may include the following:
- Update Gemfile
- Add support for Puppet 8
- Drop support for Puppet 6
- Update module dependencies
- These updates may include the following:
- Wed Aug 23 2023 Steven Pritchard - 3.9.0
- Add AlmaLinux 8 support
- Mon Jul 17 2023 Chris Tessmer - 3.8.0
- Add RockyLinux 8 support
- Thu Jun 17 2021 Chris Tessmer - 3.7.0
- Removed support for Puppet 5
- Ensured support for Puppet 7 in requirements and stdlib
- Tue Jun 08 2021 Trevor Vaughan - 3.7.0
- Fixed
- Added 'rngd' to the default services to never be killed
- Removed obsolete documentation
- Sat Dec 19 2020 Chris Tessmer - 3.6.2
- Removed EL6 support
- Wed Sep 16 2020 Jeanne Greulich - 3.6.1-0
- Puppet changed the service provider to return service units whose state is static. Because of this svckill was trying to kill system processes. This change updates the svckill provider to only add services the list of running services that are known to be in the enabled or disabled state.
- Thu Jan 09 2020 Jeanne Greulich - 3.6.0-0
- Add EL8 support
- Update the upper bound of simp-simplib to < 5.0.0
- Updated service lists:
- Moved services that were deprecated in el7 from common list to RedHat-6 list.
- Moved family_versions under osfamily just to make it neater.
- Put more comments in the ignore lists for services.
- Added new el8 services to RedHat-8.yaml
- Added RedHat subscription manager services to RedHat OS list.
- Fri Aug 02 2019 Robert Vincent - 3.6.0-0
- Support puppetlabs/concat 6.x.
- Thu Jun 13 2019 Steven Pritchard - 3.5.0-0
- Add v2 compliance_markup data
- Wed Jun 12 2019 Trevor Vaughan - 3.4.0-0
- Update CI artifacts
- Remove Puppet 4 support
- Add Puppet 6 support
- Wed Jun 12 2019 Robert Clark - 3.4.0-0
- Fix error in README regarding proper svckill exception outside of Hiera
- Mon Mar 04 2019 Liz Nemsick - 3.3.1-0
- Expanded the upper limit of the concat and stdlib Puppet module versions
- Fixed bad URLs in the
- Tue Oct 02 2018 Jeanne Greulich - 3.3.0-0
- Added Redhat 7.5 services to default service ignore list.
- Updated ruby version to 2.4.4
- Updated Gemfile to ask for puppet 5
- Update badges and contribution guide URL in
- Mon Sep 10 2018 Liz Nemsick - 3.3.0-0
- Update Hiera 4 to Hiera 5
- Fri Aug 24 2018 Nick Miller - 3.3.0-0
- Add support for Puppet 5 and OEL
- Fri Jul 27 2018 Liz Nemsick - 3.2.6-0
- Add simp_client_bootstrap service to the ignore list. If this is omitted from the ignore list, svckill will kill the bootstrap process of SIMP clients, while they are boostrapping the system.
- Fri Jun 22 2018 Nick Miller - 3.2.6-0
- Update CI assets
- Fri Feb 09 2018 Liz Nemsick - 3.2.5-0
- Update upperbound on puppetlabs/concat version to < 5.0.0
- Mon Oct 02 2017 Liz Nemsick - 3.2.4-0
- Fix bug in which svckill provider can fail on a server for which there are are no aliased, SystemD services.
- Fri Aug 18 2017 Liz Nemsick - 3.2.3-0
- Update concat version in metadata.json & build/rpm_metadata/requires
- Tue Aug 01 2017 Liz Nemsick - 3.2.2-0
- Tweak spec tests so will run in docker containers
- Fri Jun 23 2017 Liz Nemsick - 3.2.1-0
- Fix bug whereby svckill provider's insync_values? emits 'Unknown failure' message during normal operation.
- Fri Jun 09 2017 Nick Markowski - 3.2.1-0
- Implemented simplib::knockout on the ignore list so users can remove items in the default list via hiera.
- Wed Apr 19 2017 Nick Markowski - 3.2.1-0
- In the service kill provider, not all services queried by 'Name' with systemctl would return a name. That caused a break in symlink logic, rendering a majority of aliases to remain undetected. Error detection has been added and the symlink logic has been re-worked.
- Thu Mar 23 2017 Trevor Vaughan - 3.2.0-0
- Enabled the new, kinder, svckill by setting the default mode to 'warning'
- Added a
parameter to be able to disable svckill from Hiera easily
- Fri Mar 17 2017 Nick Miller, Ryan Russell-Yates, Liz Nemsick - 3.1.1-0
- Add acceptance test for symlinked services
- Flesh out README
- Remove OBE 'pe' requirement from metadata.json
- Update puppet version in .travis.yaml
- Fri Dec 30 2016 Dylan Cochran - 3.1.0-0
- Use hiera moduledata instead of a hard coded array
- Add ignore for ^pe-.*
- Sat Dec 24 2016 Trevor Vaughan - 3.0.0-0
- Updated to use the Puppet Concat module
- Thu Dec 15 2016 Liz Nemsick - 3.0.0-0
- Use strongly typed parameters
- Mon Nov 21 2016 Chris Tessmer - 2.0.0-0
- Updated to use the version of 'simpcat' that does not conflict with 'puppetlabs/concat'.
- Fri Sep 30 2016 Trevor Vaughan - 2.0.0-0
- Updated to use the version of 'simpcat' that does not conflict with 'puppetlabs/concat'.
- Thu Jul 07 2016 Nick Markowski - 1.1.3-0
- Added missing requires file and updated module to auto-generate lua spec file.
- Tue Jun 21 2016 Trevor Vaughan - 1.1.2-0
- Ensure that calling '::svckill::ignore' does not include '::svckill' by default.
- Tue Apr 12 2016 Kendall Moore - 1.1.1-0
- Updated custom type to remove deprecation warning
- Thu Mar 10 2016 Trevor Vaughan - 1.1.0-0
- Added a 'verbose' option to svckill which will enumerate all actions on services if enabled.
- Ensure that all relevant messages are passed back via the 'to_s' method so that PuppetDB can obtain a full report.
- Wed Feb 24 2016 Chris Tessmer - 1.0.0-6
- Minor linting fixes
- Tue Nov 10 2015 Chris Tessmer - 1.0.0-5
- migration to simplib and simpcat (lib/ only)
- Fri Jan 16 2015 Trevor Vaughan - 1.0.0-4
- Changed puppet-server requirement to puppet
- Thu Aug 28 2014 Trevor Vaughan - 1.0.0-3
- Fixed a long-standing bug where failing to stop a service would prevent svckill from disabling it.
- Added prefdm to the list of services to never kill.
- Updated to not kill services that have definitions in puppet that are aliased in systemd.
- Thu Jun 19 2014 Trevor Vaughan - 1.0.0-2
- Added support for systemd
- Added support for regex ignore statements
- Had to force the service provider to 'redhat' if it fell back to 'init' otherwise the startup scripts wouldn't be called
- Fri May 09 2014 Trevor Vaughan - 1.0.0-1
- Add 'rc' to the svckill list so that weird race conditions don't render an Upstart-based system unbootable.
- Wed Apr 16 2014 Trevor Vaughan - 1.0.0-0
- First release of svckill as its own module.
- puppetlabs/concat (>= 6.4.0 < 10.0.0)
- puppetlabs/stdlib (>= 8.0.0 < 10.0.0)
- simp/simplib (>= 4.9.0 < 5.0.0)
pupmod-simp-svckill - A Puppet Module that kills unmanaged services -- Per Section 105 of the Copyright Act of 1976, these works are not entitled to domestic copyright protection under US Federal law. The US Government retains the right to pursue copyright protections outside of the United States. The United States Government has unlimited rights in this software and all derivatives thereof, pursuant to the contracts under which it was developed and the License under which it falls. --- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.