Version information
This version is compatible with:
- Puppet Enterprise 2025.1.x, 2023.8.x, 2023.7.x, 2023.6.x, 2023.5.x, 2023.4.x, 2023.3.x, 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x
- Puppet >= 7.0.0 < 9.0.0
- , , , ,
Start using this module
Add this module to your Puppetfile:
mod 'simp-simp_options', '1.10.0'
Learn more about managing modules with a PuppetfileDocumentation
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with simp_options
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
This module provides variables needed by one or more SIMP module.
This is a SIMP module
This module is a component of the System Integrity Management Platform, a compliance-management framework built on Puppet.
Most SIMP modules actively take advantage of this module when used within the SIMP ecosystem.
Module Description
The simp_options
module primarily provides variables that are
- Enablers of capabilities provided or used by SIMP modules.
- Data that describes the configuration of a site.
- The scope of the data is larger than the scope of a single module.
unrelated profiles might make use of this data.
Some of these variables support SIMP's security compliance reporting.
What simp_options affects
The variables provided by simp_options
are used by SIMP modules to
enable and/or configure capabilities.
Beginning with simp_options
is configured for you when you run simp config
on your SIMP
system. Otherwise, setup is simple: include the class as the first class in your
and select the desired capabilities through Hiera or your ENC.
The environments/simp/hieradata/simp_defs.yaml
file delivered with the
simp puppet module is an example file that can be used to create the
appropriate hieradata for your site.
This module is applicable to SIMP systems or systems containing SIMP components.
Please read our Contribution Guide.
Table of Contents
: Sets up variables that enable core SIMP capabilities or provide site configuration larger than the scope of a single modulesimp_options::dns
: Sets up DNS configuration variablessimp_options::gid
: Provides system-wide defaults for GID settingssimp_options::ldap
: Sets up LDAP configuration variablessimp_options::ntp
: Sets up NTP configuration variablessimp_options::ntpd
: Sets up NTP configuration variablessimp_options::openssl
: Sets up OpenSSL configuration variablessimp_options::openssl::params
: Sets appropriate openssl cipher suite based on whether FIPS-mode issimp_options::pki
: Sets up global PKI configuration variablessimp_options::puppet
: Sets up Puppet configuration variablessimp_options::rsync
: Sets uprsync
configuration variablessimp_options::syslog
: Sets upsyslog
configuration variablessimp_options::uid
: Provides system-wide defaults for UID settings
Sets up variables that enable core SIMP capabilities or provide site configuration larger than the scope of a single module
The following parameters are available in the simp_options
Data type: Boolean
Include SIMP's auditd
class and add audit rules pertinent to each
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Deprecated - DO NOT USE
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Enable FIPS
mode for the system
This parameter enforces strict compliance with FIPS-140-2
All core SIMP modules can support this configuration. It is important that
you know the security tradeoffs of FIPS-140-2
mode disables the use of MD5
and may require weaker ciphers or
key lengths than your security policies allow.
@see SIMP - Security Control Mapping Cryptographic Protection
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Indicate that you want to load the native SIMP firewall management subsystem
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Include the haveged
class to ensure adequate entropy for key
@see SIMP - Getting Started Environment Preparation
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Include SIMP's ipsec
class, libreswan
, and add rules pertinent to
each application
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Include the SIMP's Kerberos class, krb5
, and to use Kerberos
applicable modules
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Encourage modules to use LDAP
support where possible
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Include SIMP's logrotate
class and add rules pertinent to each
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Include SIMP's pam
class SIMP to manage PAM
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
The dconf, pam, and nsswitch modules will be configured to work with a system leveraging authselect
Default value: false
Data type: Variant[Boolean,Enum['simp']]
Include SIMP's pki
class and use pki::copy
to distribute PKI
certificates to the correct locations
- If
, don't include SIMP'spki
class, and don't usepki::copy
- If
, don't include SIMP'spki
class, but do usepki::copy
- If
, include SIMP'spki
class, and usepki::copy
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Enable SSSD
support where possible
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Include SIMP's stunnel
class and use it to secure server-to-server
communications in applicable modules
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Include SIMP's rsyslog
class and configure RSyslog application hooks
Default value: false
Data type: Boolean
Whether to include SIMP's tcpwrappers
class and use
to permit the application to the subnets in
Default value: false
Data type: Simplib::Netlist
Subnets to permit, in CIDR
- If you need this to be more (or less) restrictive for a given class, you can override it for the specific class via that class' parameters.
Default value: ['', '::1']
Data type: String
The default ensure parameter for packages
- Can be either
Default value: 'latest'
Data type: Boolean
Enable the libkv backend for some functions
Default value: false
Sets up DNS configuration variables
The following parameters are available in the simp_options::dns
Data type: Array[String]
The DNS search list. Remember to put these in the appropriate order for your environment.
Default value: []
Data type: Array[Simplib::Host]
The list of DNS servers for the managed hosts.
If the first entry of this list is set to
, then all clients
will configure themselves as caching DNS servers pointing to the other
entries in the list.
If you are using the SIMP resolv
module, and the system is a DNS server
using the SIMP named
module but you wish to have your node point to a
different DNS server for primary DNS resolution, then you MUST set
to true
via Hiera.
This will get around the convenience logic that was put in place to handle the caching entries and will not attempt to convert your system to a caching DNS server.
Default value: []
Provides system-wide defaults for GID settings
The following parameters are available in the simp_options::gid
Data type: Integer[0]
The lowest allowed regular user GID for the system
Default value: pick(fact('login_defs.gid_min'), 1000)
Data type: Optional[Integer[1]]
The highest allowed regular user GID for the system
- If not defined, applications should simply do what makes sense for them internally
Default value: fact('login_defs.gid_max')
Some parameters have default values in simp_options/data/ldap.yaml
, all
others must have a value specified via Hiera or your ENC.
The following parameters are available in the simp_options::ldap
Data type: String
The Base Distinguished Name of the LDAP server
Default value: simplib::ldap::domain_to_dn()
Data type: String
The LDAP Bind Distinguished Name
Default value: "cn=hostAuth,ou=Hosts,${base_dn}"
Data type: String
The LDAP Bind password
Data type: String
The salted LDAP Bind password hash
Data type: String
The LDAP Sync Distinguished Name
Default value: "cn=LDAPSync,ou=Hosts,${base_dn}"
Data type: String
The LDAP Sync password
Data type: String
The LDAP Sync password hash
Data type: String
The LDAP Root Distinguished Name
Default value: "cn=LDAPAdmin,ou=People,${base_dn}"
Data type: Simplib::URI
The LDAP master in URI form (ldap://server)
Default value: $simp_options::puppet::server ? { undef => undef, default => "ldap://${simp_options::puppet::server}"
Data type: Array[Simplib::URI]
The list of OpenLDAP servers in URI form (ldap://server)
Default value: $master ? { undef => undef, default => [$master]
@example A hash of servers { '' => [ 'minpoll 3', 'maxpoll 6', ], '' => [ 'iburst', 'minpoll 4', 'maxpoll 8', ] }
An array of servers
The following parameters are available in the simp_options::ntp
Data type: Variant[Hash[Simplib::Host, Array[String[1]]], Array[Simplib::Host]]
The NTP time servers for the network and, optionally, configuration for the daemons that communicate with them.
A consistent time source is critical to your systems' security. DO NOT run multiple production systems using individual hardware clocks!
Default value: []
Sets up NTP configuration variables
The following parameters are available in the simp_options::ntpd
Data type: Array[Simplib::Host]
DEPRECATED Use simp_options::ntp instead. The list of NTP time servers for the network. A consistent time source is critical to your systems' security. DO NOT run multiple production systems using individual hardware clocks!
Default value: []
Sets up OpenSSL configuration variables
- See also
- OpenSSL Ciphers Command
The following parameters are available in the simp_options::openssl
Data type: Array[String]
The default ciphers to use in openssl.
Default value: $::simp_options::openssl::params::cipher_suite
desired or the system is already in FIPS mode.
Sets up global PKI configuration variables
The following parameters are available in the simp_options::pki
Data type: Stdlib::Absolutepath
The source location for PKI certificates. This is the source directory for pki::copy.
Default value: '/etc/pki/simp/x509'
Sets up Puppet configuration variables
The following parameters are available in the simp_options::puppet
Data type: Optional[Simplib::Host]
The Hostname
of the Puppet server
Default value: undef
Data type: Optional[Simplib::Host]
The Puppet Certificate Authority
Default value: undef
Data type: Simplib::Port
The port on which the Puppet Certificate Authority will listen
Default value: $server_distribution ? { 'PE' => $facts['puppet_settings']['agent']['ca_port'], default => 8141
Data type: Simplib::Serverdistribution
The server distribution being used, PC1 or PE.
Default value: (('pe_build' in $facts) or $facts['is_pe']) ? { true => 'PE', default => 'PC1'
Sets up rsync
configuration variables
The following parameters are available in the simp_options::rsync
Data type: Simplib::Host
Server to use for the simp::rsync_server class.
This class is used by several SIMP modules to efficiently synchronize large
data files using rsync
over stunnel
The default value of
is appropriate for rsync over stunnel.
Default value: ''
Data type: Integer
rsync connection timeout in seconds
Default value: 1
Sets up syslog
configuration variables
The following parameters are available in the simp_options::syslog
Data type: Array[Simplib::Host]
The log servers to receive forwarded logs
Default value: []
Data type: Array[Simplib::Host]
Failover log servers in case your log servers fail
Default value: []
Provides system-wide defaults for UID settings
The following parameters are available in the simp_options::uid
Data type: Integer[0]
The lowest allowed regular user UID for the system
Default value: pick(fact('login_defs.uid_min'), 1000)
Data type: Optional[Integer[1]]
The highest allowed regular user UID for the system
- If not defined, applications should simply do what makes sense for them internally
Default value: fact('login_defs.uid_max')
- Mon Oct 23 2023 Steven Pritchard - 1.10.0
- [puppetsync] Add EL9 support
- Wed Oct 11 2023 Steven Pritchard - 1.9.0
- [puppetsync] Updates for Puppet 8
- These updates may include the following:
- Update Gemfile
- Add support for Puppet 8
- Drop support for Puppet 6
- Update module dependencies
- These updates may include the following:
- Wed Aug 23 2023 Steven Pritchard - 1.8.0
- Add AlmaLinux 8 support
- Mon Jun 12 2023 Chris Tessmer - 1.7.0
- Add RockyLinux 8 support
- Tue May 16 2023 Mike Riddle - 1.6.1
- Added the authselect parameter
- Thu Jun 17 2021 Chris Tessmer - 1.6.0
- Removed support for Puppet 5
- Ensured support for Puppet 7 in requirements and stdlib
- Tue Feb 02 2021 Liz Nemsick - 1.5.0
- Added simp_options::ntp for more generalized configuration of ntpd and chronyd
- Deprecated simp_options::ntpd
- Sat Dec 19 2020 Chris Tessmer - 1.5.0
- Removed EL6 support
- Wed Sep 16 2020 Liz Nemsick - 1.4.1-0
- Advertise OEL8 support in the metadata.json.
- Tue Oct 29 2019 Jeanne Greulich - 1.4.0-0
- This change marks the clamav catalyst as deprecated.
- As of SIMP 6.5, SIMP's
class is no longer included in the class list of the SIMP scenarios. So, this catalyst is not needed to disable it. - To have SIMP manage
on your system, add theclamav
class to your system's class list. - See the SIMP
module README for information on managingClamAV
- As of SIMP 6.5, SIMP's
- Tue Sep 03 2019 Trevor Vaughan - 1.4.0-0
- Reformatted some documentation
- The following are now optional:
- simp_options::puppet::server
- simp_options::puppet::ca
- These are no longer required at all times due to support for Bolt. Code that used these parameters will correctly fail and require users to add them to their configuration.
- Updated simp_options::ldap to require the 'master' and 'uri' parameters if simp_options::puppet::server is not defined.
- Fixed PE detection in simp_options::puppet::server_distribution
- Add support for simplib < 5
- Thu Jun 06 2019 Steven Pritchard - 1.3.0-0
- Add v2 compliance_markup data
- Drop Puppet 4 support
- Add Puppet 6 support
- Add support for puppetlabs-stdlib 6
- Wed May 29 2019 Trevor Vaughan - 1.2.4-0
- Clarify the note in
- Tue Mar 19 2019 Liz Nemsick - 1.2.3-0
- Use simplib::validate_net_list in lieu of deprecated Puppet 3 validate_net_list
- Use simplib::validate_uri_list in lieu of deprecated Puppet 3 validate_uri_list
- Thu Mar 07 2019 Liz Nemsick - 1.2.2-0
- Update the upper bound of stdlib to < 6.0.0
- Update a URL in the
- Wed Nov 07 2018 Liz Nemsick - 1.2.1-0
- Update badges and contribution guide URL in
- Fri Aug 24 2018 Nick Miller - 1.2.1-0
- Add Puppet 5 and OEL Support
- Mon Apr 23 2018 Jeanne Greulich - 1.2.0-0
- Removed simp_options::selinux. Conflicts between this setting and what was in the scenario class lists was causing unexpected results.
- Wed Dec 13 2017 Trevor Vaughan - 1.1.0-0
- Added simp_options::uid and simp_options::gid classes for ID limit consistency across the entire infrastructure
- Fri Nov 03 2017 Trevor Vaughan - 1.0.4-0
- Fix parameter issues in simp_options::ldap
- Fix PE support in simp_options::puppet
- Sat Apr 15 2017 Dylan Cochran - 1.0.3-0
- Add simp_options::libkv
- Update puppet requirement in metadata.json
- Wed Apr 12 2017 Dylan Cochran - 1.0.2-0
- Add simp_options::package_ensure
- Tue Feb 07 2017 Liz Nemsick - 1.0.1-0
- Removed simp_options::ldap::root_hash as this is not a global catalyst
- Wed Feb 01 2017 Nick Markowski - 1.0.1-0
- Updated ldap *_dn defaults to use simplib::domain_to_dn()
- Mon Jan 30 2017 Nick Miller - 1.0.1-0
- Added more strict Puppet and PE requirements, pinning to Puppet 4.7+ and PE 2016.4.0+
- Updated openssl::cipher_suite to be set to the fips_ciphers fact if it's available to expand the 'FIPS' shortcut, which causes issues with some applications (openldap)
- Fri Dec 30 2016 Dylan Cochran - 1.0.1-0
- Add simp_options::puppet::server_distribution
- Fri Dec 02 2016 Liz Nemsick - 1.0.0-0
- Initial version
- puppetlabs/stdlib (>= 8.0.0 < 10.0.0)
- simp/simplib (>= 4.9.0 < 5.0.0)
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. 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