Version information
This version is compatible with:
- Puppet Enterprise 2025.1.x, 2023.8.x, 2023.7.x, 2023.6.x, 2023.5.x, 2023.4.x, 2023.3.x, 2023.2.x, 2023.1.x, 2023.0.x, 2021.7.x, 2021.6.x, 2021.5.x, 2021.4.x, 2021.3.x, 2021.2.x, 2021.1.x, 2021.0.x, 2019.8.x, 2019.7.x, 2019.5.x, 2019.4.x, 2019.3.x, 2019.2.x, 2019.1.x, 2019.0.x, 2018.1.x, 2017.3.x, 2017.2.x, 2017.1.x, 2016.5.x, 2016.4.x
- Puppet >= 3.4.0
- Fedora, , , , ,
Start using this module
Add this module to your Puppetfile:
mod 'cesnet-kerberos', '1.1.3'
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####Table of Contents
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with Kerberos
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
##Module Description
This module deploys MIT Kerberos client and servers.
###What cesnet-kerberos module affects
- Files modified:
- /etc/krb5.conf
- /etc/krb5kdc or /var/kerberos/krb5kdc directory: kdc.conf, stash file, ...
- /var/lib/krb5kdc or /var/kerberos/krb5kdc directory: Kerberos database
- /usr/local/sbin/kerberos-kprop-all: propagation script on Kerberos admin server
- Packages: MIT Kerberos packages as needed (client, kadmin, krb5kdc, kpropd)
- Services: MIT Kerberos services as needed (kadmin, krb5kdc, kpropd)
###Setup Requirements
Puppet >= 3.x.
There are required passwords in parameters:
- master_password: master password for KDC database (needed only during initial bootstrap)
For multi node setup:
- admin_principal: admin principal name
- admin_password: password for remote admin principal (needed only during initial bootstrap)
Parameters could be removed after the complete installation.
###Beginning with Kerberos
Everything on one machine (client, admin server, KDC server):
kadmin_hostname => $::fqdn,
master_password => 'strong-master-password',
realm => 'MONKEY_ISLAND',
node default {
$princ = "host/${::fqdn}@${::kerberos::realm}"
ensure => present,
attributes => {
requires_preauth => true,
policy => 'default_host',
-> kerberos::keytab{'/etc/krb5.keytab':
principals => [$princ],
ensure => 'present',
minlength => 6,
history => 2,
maxlife => '365 days 0:00:00',
ensure => 'present',
minlength => 8,
Note: as seen in the example: all principals and keytab needs to be specified.
Multi-KDC setup
More advanced usage with multiple KDC servers and separated clients:
include ::stdlib
$kadmin_hostname = "kadmin.${domain}"
$kdc_hostnames = [
$realm = 'MONKEY_ISLAND'
$host_principals = suffix(prefix($kdc_hostnames, 'host/'), "@${realm}")
kadmin_hostname => $kadmin_hostname,
kdc_hostnames => $kdc_hostnames,
admin_principal => "puppet/admin@${realm}",
admin_password => 'good-password',
master_password => 'strong-master-password',
realm => $realm,
node 'kadmin' {
ensure => 'present',
attributes => {
'requires_preauth' => true,
policy => 'default_host',
principals => ["host/${::fqdn}@${realm}"],
ensure => 'present',
attributes => {
'requires_preauth' => true,
password => $::kerberos::admin_password,
policy => 'default_host',
ensure => 'present',
minlength => 6,
ensure => 'present',
history => 2,
minlength => 6,
maxlife => '365 days 0:00:00',
command => '/usr/local/sbin/kerberos-kprop-all > /var/log/kerberos-kprop-all.log 2>&1',
environment => 'PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin',
hour => '*',
minute => 0,
node /kdc\d+/ {
# this will use kerberos::admin_principal and kerberos::admin_password parameters
principals => ["host/${::fqdn}@${realm}"],
wait => 600,
# all clients
node default {
# this will use kerberos::admin_principal and kerberos::admin_password parameters
ensure => 'present',
attributes => {
'requires_preauth' => true,
policy => 'default_host',
principals => ["host/${::fqdn}@${realm}"],
Note: bootstrap:
For bootstrap process to work, the Kerberos admin server (kadmin_hostname) should be also a KDC server (in kdc_hostnames). This way the Kerberos host keys can be distributed from admin server to KDC slaves using Kerberos KDC on the admin server. Also admin_principal and admin_password are required.
Several iterations must be performed before deployment is successfully finished:
- (will fail) Kerberos admin server initial database setup + creating admin and KDC host keys
- (will wait on KDCs) KDC server setup + fetch host keys created in (1.) into keytabs
- (success after all KDC ready) propagate database from admin server to slave KDCs using /usr/local/sbin/kerberos-kprop-all
- (success on KDCs after propagation from admin server) KDC server finalize - stash files for startup
Note 2: principals and keytabs
All principals and keytabs need to be explicitly created. Better is to put kerberos::principal resource at admin server to minimize admin password usage. kerberos::keytab on remote machines will use admin principal and password once during creating of the keytab files.
Note 3: perform parameter
By default the main kerberos class install services according to set hostnames. It is possible to disable it by perform parameter and place particular classes on the nodes manually.
Note 4: kprop
See the example cron job in kadmin node.
DNS aliases
It is the best-practice to use DNS aliases in krb5.conf. Kerberos puppet module requires real hostnames in its parameters, but aliases can be set using client overrides:
client_properties => {
'realms' => {
"${realm}" => {
'kdc' => ['kadmin-alias', 'kdc1-alias', 'kdc2-alias'],
'admin_server' => 'kadmin-alias',
kadmin_hostname => $kadmin_hostname,
kdc_hostnames => $kdc_hostnames,
More Kerberos module resources examples
ensure => 'present',
minlength => 6,
history => 2,
maxlife => '365 days 0:00:00',
failurecountinterval => '0:00:00',
ensure => 'present',
attributes => {
'allow_tix' => true,
'requires_preauth' => true,
policy => 'default',
Note: defaults
default_attributes and default_policy parameters on kerberos class can be used instead of parameters in kerberos::principal.
krb5.conf only
$kadmin_hostname = ""
$kdc_hostnames = [
kadmin_hostname => $kadmin_hostname,
kdc_hostnames => $kdc_hostnames,
realm => 'EXAMPLE.COM',
perform => false,
# realm-specific config file instead of global config
#krb5_conf => '/etc/krb5.conf.d/example_com'
include ::kerberos::client::config
: The main classkerberos::client
: Kerberos clientkerberos::client::config
: kadmin serverkerberos::kadmin::config
: KDC serverkerberos::kdc::config
: kpropd serverkerberos::kprop::config
ACL to Kerberos database. Default: "${admin_principal} admcil" for everything.
Password of the principal for remote access to KDC. Default: undef.
Required for initial bootstrap of multiple KDC servers.
Principal name for remote access to KDC. Default: undef.
Required for initial bootstrap of multiple KDC servers.
Keytab for remote access to KDC. Default: undef.
List of Kerberos client packages. Default: $::kerberos::params::client_packages.
Additional client parameters or overrides for krb5.conf. Default: undef.
client_properties => {
'realms' => {
'kdc' => ['kadmin-alias', 'kdc1-alias', 'kdc2-alias'],
'admin_server' => 'kadmin-alias',
Default attributes used in kerberos::principal resource. Default: undef.
Default policy name used in kerberos::principal resource. Default: undef.
Realm DNS domain. Default: $::domain.
Kerberos admin server service name. Default: by platform.
Kerberos admin server packages. Default: by platform.
Kerberos admin server hostname. Default: $::fqdn.
It should be real hostname, not DNS alias. See client_properties for aliases usage.
KDC config file. Default: *"${::kerberos::kdc_conf_dir}/kdc.conf".
Limitation: no kdc_conf_dir parameter.
KDC service name. Default: by platform.
KDC packages name. Default: by platform.
KDC hostnames. Default: kadmin_hostname or $::fqdn.
It should be real hostnames, not DNS aliases. See client_properties for aliases usage.
Additional parameters or overrides for kdc.conf. Default: undef.
kdc_properties => {
'realms' => {
'supported_enctypes' => 'aes256-sha1:normal aes128-sha1:normal des3-cbc-sha1:normal arcfour-hmac:normal camellia256-cts:normal camellia128-cts:normal',
Main kerberos client config file. Default: '/etc/krb5.conf'.
krb5_conf => '/etc/krb5.conf.d/monkey-island.conf',
KDC database master password. Default: undef.
Required for initial bootstrap.
Automagically deploy all services on the nodes. Default: true.
Kerberos realm name. Required.
###Resource Types
: Kerberos keytabkerberos::policy
: Kerberos policy (using parameters from kerberos class)kerberos::principal
: Kerberos principal (using parameters from kerberos class)kerberos_principal
: Kerberos principalkerberos_policy
: Kerberos policy on admin server
Parameters for kerberos::principal are the same, except admin_keytab, admin_password, admin_principal, which are taken from the main kerberos class parameters.
Kerberos principal name
Admin principal. Default: undef.
The admin principal is added to ACL with "acmil" rights.
Admin keytab. Default: undef.
Non-empty parameter will switch from kadmin.local do kadmin in resources.
Admin password. Default: undef.
Non-empty parameter will switch from kadmin.local do kadmin in resources.
Kerberos principal attributes. Default: undef.
Hash of principal boolean attributes values. Specified attributes are compared with the real values and updated, if needed. Not specified attributes are not checked.
List of known attributes:
- allow_postdated
- allow_forwardable
- allow_tgs_req
- allow_renewable
- allow_proxiable
- allow_dup_skey
- allow_tix
- allow_svr
- requires_preauth
- requires_hwauth
- needchange
- password_changing_service
- ok_as_delegate
- ok_to_auth_as_delegate
- no_auth_data_required
- lockdown_keys
attributes => {
allow_tix => true,
requires_preauth => true,
Prefer kadmin.local over kadmin. Default: (false when admin_keytab or admin_password parameters non-empty)
Kerberos principal password. Default: undef (=randomized key).
Passwords are not changed. This parameter is used only when creating a new Kerberos principal.
Kerberos policy of the principal. Default: undef.
Parameters admin_keytab, admin_password, admin_principal are taken from the main kerberos class parameters.
Keytab file.
Principals to add into keytab. Required.
Keytab file owner. Default: undef.
Keytab file group. Default: undef.
Prefer kadmin.local over kadmin. Default: (autodetect by FQDN)
- remote administration using kadmin: kerberos::admin_keytab or kerberos::admin_password parameter
- local administration using kadmin.local: placement on Kerberos kadmin server
Keytab file mode. Default: '0600'.
Repeated tries time. Default: 0 (try once).
Parameters for kerberos::policy are the same, except admin_keytab, admin_password, admin_principal, which are taken from the main kerberos class parameters.
The times can be specified as:
- number of seconds
- N day HH:MM:SS
- N days HH:MM:SS
Kerberos policy name.
Password of the principal for remote access to KDC. Default: undef.
Non-empty parameter will switch from kadmin.local do kadmin in resources.
Principal name for remote access to KDC. Default: undef.
Keytab for remote access to KDC. Default: undef.
Non-empty parameter will switch from kadmin.local do kadmin in resources.
Maximum password life. Default: undef ('0 days 00:00:00').
Minimum password life. Default: undef ('0 days 00:00:00').
Minimum password length. Default: undef (1).
Minimum number of password character classes. Default: undef (1).
Number of old keys kept. Default: undef (1).
Maximum password failures before lockout. Default: undef (0).
Password failure count reset interval. Default: undef ('0 days 00:00:00').
Password lockout duration. Default: undef ('0 days 00:00:00').
For automatic bootstrap, kadmin must be collocated with KDC, see Beginning with Kerberos. Another option is to bootstrap manually - copy host key and database from admin server to KDC slaves.
There is no special care for the password parameters (master_password, admin_password). After initial deployment, it is possible to remove master_password from parameters. It will be needed only when adding another KDC server.
- puppetlabs/stdlib (>= 1.0.0 <7.0.0)
The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2019-2021 CESNET Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.