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Version information
- 0.1.3 (latest)
- 0.1.2
- 0.1.1
- 0.1.0
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mod 'simondean-iis', '0.1.3'
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bolt module add simondean-iis
Learn more about using this module with an existing projectManually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:
puppet module install simondean-iis --version 0.1.3
Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.
Types in this module release
IIS App Pool
Parameters | |
ensure | |
name | App pool name |
provider |
Properties | |
autostart | |
clrconfigfile | |
cpu_action | |
cpu_limit | |
cpu_resetinterval | |
cpu_smpaffinitized | |
cpu_smpprocessoraffinitymask | |
cpu_smpprocessoraffinitymask2 | |
enable32bitapponwin64 | |
enableconfigurationoverride | |
failure_autoshutdownexe | |
failure_autoshutdownparams | |
failure_loadbalancercapabilities | |
failure_orphanactionexe | |
failure_orphanactionparams | |
failure_orphanworkerprocess | |
failure_rapidfailprotection | |
failure_rapidfailprotectioninterval | |
failure_rapidfailprotectionmaxcrashes | |
managedpipelinemode | |
managedruntimeloader | |
managedruntimeversion | |
passanonymoustoken | |
processmodel_identitytype | |
processmodel_idletimeout | |
processmodel_loaduserprofile | |
processmodel_logontype | |
processmodel_manualgroupmembership | |
processmodel_maxprocesses | |
processmodel_password | |
processmodel_pingingenabled | |
processmodel_pinginterval | |
processmodel_pingresponsetime | |
processmodel_setprofileenvironment | |
processmodel_shutdowntimelimit | |
processmodel_startuptimelimit | |
processmodel_username | |
queuelength | |
recycling_disallowoverlappingrotation | |
recycling_disallowrotationonconfigchange | |
recycling_logeventonrecycle | |
recycling_periodicrestart_memory | |
recycling_periodicrestart_privatememory | |
recycling_periodicrestart_requests | |
recycling_periodicrestart_time | |
startmode |
Providers | |
iis_apppool | IIS App Pool |
IIS Site
Parameters | |
ensure | |
name | Site name |
provider |
Properties | |
applicationdefaults_applicationpool | Application defaults: Application pool the application is assigned to |
applicationdefaults_enabledprotocols | Application defaults: Enabled protocols |
applicationdefaults_path | Application defaults: Application virtual path |
applicationdefaults_serviceautostartenabled | Application defaults: Whether autostart is enabled |
applicationdefaults_serviceautostartprovider | Application defaults: Name of the autostart provider, if enabled |
bindings | |
ftpserver_allowutf8 | |
ftpserver_connections_controlchanneltimeout | |
ftpserver_connections_datachanneltimeout | |
ftpserver_connections_disablesocketpooling | |
ftpserver_connections_maxbandwidth | |
ftpserver_connections_maxconnections | |
ftpserver_connections_minbytespersecond | |
ftpserver_connections_resetonmaxconnections | |
ftpserver_connections_serverlistenbacklog | |
ftpserver_connections_unauthenticatedtimeout | |
ftpserver_directorybrowse_showflags | |
ftpserver_directorybrowse_virtualdirectorytimeout | |
ftpserver_filehandling_allowreaduploadsinprogress | |
ftpserver_filehandling_allowreplaceonrename | |
ftpserver_filehandling_keeppartialuploads | |
ftpserver_firewallsupport_externalip4address | |
ftpserver_logfile_directory | |
ftpserver_logfile_enabled | |
ftpserver_logfile_localtimerollover | |
ftpserver_logfile_logextfileflags | |
ftpserver_logfile_period | |
ftpserver_logfile_selectivelogging | |
ftpserver_logfile_truncatesize | |
ftpserver_messages_allowlocaldetailederrors | |
ftpserver_messages_bannermessage | |
ftpserver_messages_exitmessage | |
ftpserver_messages_expandvariables | |
ftpserver_messages_greetingmessage | |
ftpserver_messages_maxclientsmessage | |
ftpserver_messages_suppressdefaultbanner | |
ftpserver_security_authentication_anonymousauthentication_defaultlogondomain | |
ftpserver_security_authentication_anonymousauthentication_enabled | |
ftpserver_security_authentication_anonymousauthentication_logonmethod | |
ftpserver_security_authentication_anonymousauthentication_password | |
ftpserver_security_authentication_anonymousauthentication_username | |
ftpserver_security_authentication_basicauthentication_defaultlogondomain | |
ftpserver_security_authentication_basicauthentication_enabled | |
ftpserver_security_authentication_basicauthentication_logonmethod | |
ftpserver_security_authentication_clientcertauthentication_enabled | |
ftpserver_security_commandfiltering_allowunlisted | |
ftpserver_security_commandfiltering_maxcommandline | |
ftpserver_security_datachannelsecurity_matchclientaddressforpasv | |
ftpserver_security_datachannelsecurity_matchclientaddressforport | |
ftpserver_security_ssl_controlchannelpolicy | |
ftpserver_security_ssl_datachannelpolicy | |
ftpserver_security_ssl_servercerthash | |
ftpserver_security_ssl_servercertstorename | |
ftpserver_security_ssl_ssl128 | |
ftpserver_security_sslclientcertificates_clientcertificatepolicy | |
ftpserver_security_sslclientcertificates_revocationfreshnesstime | |
ftpserver_security_sslclientcertificates_revocationurlretrievaltimeout | |
ftpserver_security_sslclientcertificates_useactivedirectorymapping | |
ftpserver_security_sslclientcertificates_validationflags | |
ftpserver_serverautostart | |
ftpserver_userisolation_activedirectory_adcacherefresh | |
ftpserver_userisolation_activedirectory_adpassword | |
ftpserver_userisolation_activedirectory_adusername | |
ftpserver_userisolation_mode | |
id | Number assigned to a site when it is created. Default Web Site has an id of 1. Other sites are assigned a random id by IIS when they are created |
limits_connectiontimeout | Limits: The amount of time in seconds that IIS waits before disconnecting a connection that has become inactive |
limits_maxbandwidth | Limits: Maximum network bandwidth in bytes per second to be consumed by the site |
limits_maxconnections | Limits: Maximum number of simultaneous client connections for a site |
logfile_customlogpluginclsid | Logging: COM object class IDs for custom modules |
logfile_directory | Logging: Directory that log files and supporting logging files are saved to |
logfile_enabled | Logging: Whether logging is enabled |
logfile_localtimerollover | Logging: Whether when a new log file is created based on time, this is done based on UTC or local time. false indicates UTC, true indicates local time |
logfile_logextfileflags | Logging: The categories of information that are logged |
logfile_logformat | Logging: Log file format |
logfile_period | Logging: |
logfile_truncatesize | Logging: Maximum size in bytes for the log file. When reached, a new log file will be created. Only applies when logfile_period is set to MaxSize. Minimum value for this property is 1,048,576 |
serverautostart | Whether the site should be started automatically when the IIS management service is started |
tracefailedrequestslogging_customactionsenabled | Trace failed requests logging: Whether custom actions are enabled |
tracefailedrequestslogging_directory | Trace failed requests logging: Directory that log files are saved to |
tracefailedrequestslogging_enabled | Trace failed requests logging: Whether it is enabled |
tracefailedrequestslogging_maxlogfiles | Trace failed requests logging: Maximum number of failed request log files to keep for the site |
tracefailedrequestslogging_maxlogfilesizekb | Trace failed requests logging: Maximum file size in kilobytes for the logs |
virtualdirectorydefaults_allowsubdirconfig | Virtual directory defaults: Controls whether IIS will load just the Web.config file in the physical path (false) or also the Web.config files in the sub-directories of the physical path (true) |
virtualdirectorydefaults_logonmethod | Virtual directory defaults: Logon method for the physical path |
virtualdirectorydefaults_password | Virtual directory defaults: Password for the user name |
virtualdirectorydefaults_path | Virtual directory defaults: Virtual directory virtual path |
virtualdirectorydefaults_physicalpath | Virtual directory defaults: Physical path |
virtualdirectorydefaults_username | Virtual directory defaults: User name that can access the physical path |
Providers | |
iis_site | IIS Site |
Parameters | |
ensure | |
name | App name |
provider |
Properties | |
applicationpool | Application pool the application is assigned to |
enabledprotocols | Enabled protocols |
serviceautostartenabled | Whether autostart is enabled |
serviceautostartprovider | Name of the autostart provider, if enabled |
virtualdirectorydefaults_allowsubdirconfig | Virtual directory defaults: Controls whether IIS will load just the Web.config file in the physical path (false) or also the Web.config files in the sub-directories of the physical path (true) |
virtualdirectorydefaults_logonmethod | Virtual directory defaults: Logon method for the physical path |
virtualdirectorydefaults_password | Virtual directory defaults: Password for the user name |
virtualdirectorydefaults_path | Virtual directory defaults: Virtual directory virtual path |
virtualdirectorydefaults_physicalpath | Virtual directory defaults: Physical path |
virtualdirectorydefaults_username | Virtual directory defaults: User name that can access the physical path |
Providers | |
iis_app | IIS App |
IIS Virtual Directory
Parameters | |
ensure | |
iis_app | Path of the app the virtual directory is under |
name | Virtual directory name |
provider |
Properties | |
allowsubdirconfig | Controls whether IIS will load just the Web.config file in the physical path (false) or also the Web.config files in the sub-directories of the physical path (true) |
logonmethod | Logon method for the physical path |
password | Password for the user name |
physicalpath | Physical path |
username | User name that can access the physical path |
Providers | |
iis_vdir | IIS Virtual Directory |