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Manages Selenium Server 2 - Standalone and Grid


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Version information

  • 1.1.0 (latest)
  • 1.0.0
  • 0.3.0
  • 0.2.3
  • 0.2.2
  • 0.2.1
  • 0.2.0
  • 0.1.6
  • 0.1.5
  • 0.1.4
  • 0.1.3
  • 0.1.2
  • 0.1.1
  • 0.1.0
  • 0.0.1
released Jan 16th 2014

Start using this module

  • r10k or Code Manager
  • Bolt
  • Manual installation
  • Direct download

Add this module to your Puppetfile:

mod 'jhoblitt-selenium', '0.2.0'
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Add this module to your Bolt project:

bolt module add jhoblitt-selenium
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Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool:

puppet module install jhoblitt-selenium --version 0.2.0

Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code.



jhoblitt/selenium — version 0.2.0 Jan 16th 2014

Puppet selenium Module

Build Status

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Description
  3. Usage
  4. Why Another Module?
  5. Limitations
  6. Versioning
  7. Support
  8. See Also


Manages Selenium Server 2 - Standalone and Grid


This is a puppet module for installation and configuration of the Selenium Server 2 browser automation package. Support is provided for configuring Selenium Server in standalone mode along with the grid modes of hub and node.

The design intent of this module is to only manage Selenium server and not any of the other packages that might be required to required to create a selenium server profile/role.



Stand alone server setup with display :99 (default is :0).

class { 'selenium::server': display => ':99' }

Grid in a box setup with the Selenium node talking to the hub via

class { 'selenium::hub': }
class { 'selenium::node': }

Example "profiles"/"roles"

Here are some examples "profiles" and "roles" based on Craig Dunn's blog post on Designing Puppet – Roles and Profiles..

These examples assume the presence of these two modules in your Puppet environment.

Selenium Server Profile

class mysite::profile::seleniumserver {
  include java

  # WSXGA+ 1680x1050 -- should nicely fit on a 1920x1280 screen
  class { 'display':
    width  => 1680,
    height => 1050,
  } ->
  class { 'selenium::server': }

  Class['java'] -> Class['selenium::server']

Selenium Hub Profile

class mysite::profile::seleniumhub {
  include java

  class { 'selenium::hub': }

  Class['java'] -> Class['selenium::hub']

Selenium Node Profile

class mysite::profile::seleniumnode {
  include java

  # WSXGA+ 1680x1050 -- should nicely fit on a 1920x1280 screen
  class { 'display':
    width  => 1680,
    height => 1050,
  } ->
  class { 'selenium::node':
    # If your intending to have node(s) that don't sit on the same system as
    # the hub, you need to point the node at a hub by passing in the hub's url
    # in or using an exported resource from the hub system. Eg.
    # hub => 'http://<myseleniumhub>:4444/grid/register',

  Class['java'] -> Class['selenium::node']

Selenium Server Role

class mysite::role::seleniumserver {
  include mysite::profile::seleniumserver

Selenium Hub Role

class mysite::role::seleniumhub {
  include mysite::profile::seleniumhub
  include mysite::profile::seleniumnode


Unless class selenium has $install_root changed from the default, these files paths will be used. Note that the log files and init scripts are only created for the relevant configured service.

The log files will have the mode 0644 so that they can be inspected by users other than the selenium role account.

|-- jars
|   `-- selenium-server-standalone-x.xx.x.jar
`-- log
    |-- hub_stderr.log
    |-- hub_stdout.log
    |-- node_stderr.log
    |-- node_stdout.log
    |-- server_stderr.log
    `-- server_stdout.log
/var/log/selenium -> /opt/selenium/log


This class controls common configuration values used by the selenium::{server,hub,node} classes. It is automatically included in the manifest by those classes and it need not be explicitly declared except to override the default values.

# defaults
class { 'selenium':
  user             => 'selenium',
  group            => 'selenium',
  install_root     => '/opt/selenium',
  java             => 'java',
  version          => '2.39.0',
  url              => undef,
  download_timeout => '90',
  • user

    String defaults to: selenium

    The name/uid of the system role account to execute the server process under and will have ownership of files.

  • group

    String defaults to: selenium

    The group/gid of the system role account and group ownership of files.

  • install_root

    String defaults to: /opt/selenium

    The dirname under which Selenium Server files (including logs) will be created.

  • java

    String defaults to: java

    The path of the java interpreter to use.

  • version

    String defaults to: 2.39.0 (the latest release as of 2013-12-20)

    The version of Selenium Server to download. Used to form the URL used to fetch the jar file.

  • url

    String defaults to: undef

    If defined, url will be used to download the Selenium Server jar file. However, the version parameter just match the version of the downloaded file as this information is needed when starting up the server (this may change to be be automatically parsed from the url in a later release).

  • download_timeout

    String defaults to: 90

    Timeout to download of the package.


# defaults
class { 'selenium::server':
  display => ':0',
  options => '',
  • display

    String defaults to: :0

    The name of the X display to render too. This is set as an environment variable passed to Selenium Server

  • options

    String defaults to:

    Options passed to Selenium Server at startup.


Note that by default selenium::server and selenium::hub will try to listen on the same TCP port (4444) and only one of them will be able to function.

# defaults
class { 'selenium::hub':
  options => '-role hub',
  • options`

    String defaults to: -role hub

    Options passed to Selenium Server Hub at startup.


# defaults
class { 'selenium::node':
  display => ':0',
  options => ' -role node',
  hub     => 'http://localhost:4444/grid/register',
  • display

    String defaults to: :0

    The name of the X display to render too. This is set as an environment variable passed to Selenium Server

  • options

    String defaults to: -role node

    Options passed to Selenium Server Node at startup.

  • hub

    String defaults to: http://localhost:4444/grid/register

    The URL of the Selenium Server Hub to connect to.

Why Another Module?

At the time work on this module was started, there were no other Selenium Server modules published on the Puppet Forge. A number of existing modules were identified on github but none of them fit the author's needs of:

  • Allowing the external setup of things like Xvfb, java, etc. and to allow the composition of site specific profiles/roles.
  • Supporting a mixed environment of Scientific, Centos, and RedHat Linux (basically $::osfamily == 'RedHat'
  • Enough rspec-puppet coverage to prevent regressions

The later is the most important issue. Attempting to add additional $::operatingsystem/$::osfamily support to a puppet module without rspec-puppet tests is a process fraught with peril.

The modules that were identified were:


At present, only support for $::osfamily == 'RedHat' has been implemented. Adding other Linux distributions will required the addition of platform specific init scripts.

Tested Platforms

  • el6.x


This module is versioned according to the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 specification.


Please log tickets and issues at github

See Also